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Unable to install 1.7.5 RPM

Niklas Modin

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Hi, I'm trying to install the 1.7.5 rpm using yum but there seems to be a missing dependency. $: sudo yum -y install synergy-v1.7.5-stable-fa85a24-Linux-x86.rpm $: Error: Package: synergy-1.7.5.x86_64 Requires libdns_sd.so.1() (64bit) I thought yum would automatically install any missing dependencies ? Any pointers ? Cheers, Niklas
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Did some trial and error but still no success: 1. installed the avahi package to get the missing libs. $: yum install avahi $:Package avahi-0.6.31-15.el7.x86_64 is already installed and latest version 2. Checking for the libdns library $: ldconfig -p | grep libdns $: libdns.so.100 => .... $: libdns-export.so.100 => ... Still get the dependency error for libdns_sd.so.1 (64bit) which I guess makes sens as the above once are ... slightly different. Also tried the 32 bit version with no luck. Linux isn't really my back yard so any pointers on what could be wrong would be appreciated. :) Cheers, Niklas
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  • 3 weeks later...
Any updates on this issue? I'm having the same problem on RHEL 7. While not the most popular distro, it is a fairly standard distro and you would think a synergy install would work.
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  • 1 month later...
[quote="David Miles"]Any updates on this issue? I'm having the same problem on RHEL 7. While not the most popular distro, it is a fairly standard distro and you would think a synergy install would work.[/quote] Hi, Been a while since I visited. I "solved" it by installing Ubuntu 15. Now I'm back on RHEL 7 (OL7) and I'm back with the same issues. Did you ever find a solution for this ? Cheers, Niklas
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OL7 has super dated repos for stability. I was in dependency hell ceaselessly, because it just didn't support any new packages. You're not going to be able to run the latest and greatests of anything.
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Niklas and David, I saw this comment in a Google Groups post: "Very of the cuff guess, trying installing avahi-compat-libdns_sd Just avahi won't cut it is my guess." What happens if you try this? I hope the issue gets resolved, although I don't have a any OL7 RHEL to try out. - Brian
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Hi all, I fixed it by enabling [ol7_optional_latest] in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo. Perhaps I'm now living a little less stable, but YOLO ! :D Thanks for the suggestions and hope this answers helps someone else. Cheers, Niklas
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  • 1 month later...
[quote="Niklas Modin"]Hi all, I fixed it by enabling [ol7_optional_latest] in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo. Perhaps I'm now living a little less stable, but YOLO ! :D Thanks for the suggestions and hope this answers helps someone else. Cheers, Niklas[/quote] How to do that?
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  • 5 weeks later...
Fredrik Andersson
I cant find the file i need to install, dependancy. Searched via Synaptic without luck, got a Pro version so wanna use it on this machine and one of the other ones
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  • 2 months later...
Fredrik Andersson
Tried just now and install the Beta , got the same error. Same same with stable, gonna do some digging around and see, Using Gecko Linux, opensuse tumbleweed based< Other machine gonna be win10 and maybe another one win7, stress test ;)
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