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Control gets stuck on host machine

Matt Neilson

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For the last couple versions (1.74, 1.75, and now 1.8 beta) control will randomly get stuck on the server machine (not sure if that matters). My server is ubuntu 12.04 64bit, and the client is Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit. Randomly when I move the mouse back over to the server screen, my cursor will get stuck on the server (almost as if I had hit Scroll Lock). The only way to resolve it is to stop synergy on the server, and immediately restart. That fixes it, and I can immediately move back to the client (windows) machine. Here are what the logs show when it occurs: [2015-12-04T10:20:31] INFO: leaving screen [2015-12-04T10:20:31] INFO: screen "server" updated clipboard 1 [2015-12-04T10:23:30] INFO: screen "client" grabbed clipboard 0 from "server" [2015-12-04T10:23:30] INFO: screen "client" grabbed clipboard 1 from "server" [2015-12-04T10:23:31] INFO: switch from "client" to "server" at 65,476 [2015-12-04T10:23:31] INFO: entering screen [2015-12-04T10:23:31] INFO: screen "client" updated clipboard 0 [2015-12-04T10:23:31] INFO: screen "client" updated clipboard 1 --- this is where my cursor got locked on the screen... couldn't move back to client, so restarted synergy process (click Stop, then start immediately) --- [2015-12-04T10:26:12] INFO: stopping synergy desktop process [2015-12-04T10:26:12] INFO: process exited normally [2015-12-04T10:26:13] INFO: starting server [2015-12-04T10:26:13] INFO: config file: /tmp/qt_temp.Wy1467 [2015-12-04T10:26:13] INFO: log level: INFO [2015-12-04T10:26:13] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients [2015-12-04T10:26:14] NOTE: accepted client connection [2015-12-04T10:26:14] INFO: accepted secure socket [2015-12-04T10:26:14] NOTE: client "client" has connected --- switching works again --- [2015-12-04T10:28:31] INFO: switch from "server" to "client" at 3519,360 [2015-12-04T10:28:31] INFO: leaving screen [2015-12-04T10:28:32] INFO: switch from "client" to "server" at 38,509 A later test to ensure it isn't a scroll lock issue I believe eliminates that, as this is what shows up when Scroll lock is enabled: [2015-12-04T10:28:34] NOTE: cursor locked to current screen [2015-12-04T10:28:35] NOTE: Cursor is locked to screen, check Scroll Lock key [2015-12-04T10:28:35] NOTE: Cursor is locked to screen, check Scroll Lock key [2015-12-04T10:28:36] NOTE: cursor unlocked from current screen [2015-12-04T10:28:37] INFO: switch from "server" to "client" at 3519,351 [2015-12-04T10:28:37] INFO: leaving screen I'm not certain, but a common trend seems to be around when I'm copying and pasting back and forth between the server and the client. Any thoughts??
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This just happened again. I switched my logging down to debug, and see the following when I try and switch over to the host machine: [2015-12-08T12:00:49] INFO: switch from "client" to "server" at 17,997 [2015-12-08T12:00:49] INFO: entering screen [2015-12-08T12:00:49] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data [2015-12-08T12:00:49] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=12 [2015-12-08T12:00:49] DEBUG: received client "client" clipboard 0 seqnum=66, size=12 [2015-12-08T12:00:49] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data [2015-12-08T12:00:49] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=12 [2015-12-08T12:00:49] DEBUG: received client "client" clipboard 1 seqnum=66, size=12 [2015-12-08T12:00:55] DEBUG: ssl connection closed At the 12:00:49 point, the cursor would no longer go back to the client screen. Stopping the Synergy process, then starting it again allows it to immediately reconnect and switch back and forth with the client.
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