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Client + Hold Spacebar

Reno McDonald

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Reno McDonald
I am trying to get this to work properly. When I hold the spacebar, the client responds by pressing the spacebar constantly at a high rate! ie: holding space in illustrator switches between the hand tool and the last tool 50/sec. The 'released spacebar' should be sent as a signal to the client to release the spacebar. Instead I think Synergy is simply sending "pressed and released spacebar" to the client. I don't mind compiling my own version by the way. But I may need some pointing in the right direction to do so. [b]Any help is appreciated![/b]
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Reno McDonald
After some testing, this seems to hold true for Alt and Shift as well. I am unable to hold down Shift to select multiple items for example... or hold down Alt to perform zoom in Adobe products. :cry:
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