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  1. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

    Synergy Team

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  2. Zaf9670


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  3. Gordon


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  4. Carlos Macedo

    Carlos Macedo

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/18 in all areas

  1. Recently we surveyed a group of our users with a simple question: Should Synergy 2 be considered stable or beta? In November of last year, we officially released Synergy 2 as stable. We knew there were a few minor bugs but assumed we could fix them within a couple of months. Sadly, it became apparent that these bugs were not so small nor easy to fix. So with very careful consideration, we've made the decision to redeclare Synergy 2 a beta product. When will Synergy 2 be stable? We're going to leave this up to you to decide. As we make updates and enhancements, we'll continue to poll
    1 point
  2. Are the missing features from version 1.0 security related or quality of life related? I know you have done things similar to roadmaps in the past to show where you're heading and it might be nice to just know what features are missing so people can make the decision to beta test or not. I think 2.0 has been stable enough for my use cases but that may be because I primarily use it on just 2 machines at a time and they are running Windows.
    1 point
  3. I bought early access about a year ago; I give Synergy2 a try every month or so and I've still never gotten a successful setup a single time yet, across multiple networks and machines. The forums seem to point to something like a 90% fail rate for others as well. As far as I can tell, Synergy2 was nothing but a viral marketing campaign. I honestly don't understand how they can conscionably advertise it on LTT etc when it's been completely unusable for almost everybody since "launch". Betas are betas, I get it, but why are you spending marketing dollars pushing it on everyone when you are
    1 point
  4. As a long time synergy user (and cheerleader), I am sorry to say that I too have been tempted by the promise of 2.0, only to give up and downgrade because it does not work on my setup. The complete lack of configuration and user feedback in 2.0 is extremely frustrating and just plain bad design. There no reason to leave the user guessing as to why a program is not working. I can't believe I have to write this in 2018! After my last attempt, I decided get off the upgrade/downgrade roller coaster. I have moved on and installed another product, which by the way, has configuration screen
    1 point
  5. Hi, As is present in Synergy 1, it would be great if Synergy 2 would have the option to enable sending of relative mouse positions from the server. Without this option it is impossible to play games on a client using Synergy. As I've stated in my self support post I can see the option present in the config file on linux (set to false) but that file is overwritten whenever the synergy service is restarted. This seems like it could be easy to fix in the short term (at least for those willing to edit config manually) and I'm a little surprised that this hasn't been raised by anyone else
    1 point
  6. This annoys me and happens almost every time I use my computer. After searching for a resolution I was sad to see this has been an issue for so long. Is it even listed as a known bug? have the devs acknowledged you? I made my display name in honor of you. Hopefully it starts a movement.
    1 point
  7. Hi All Just ran into this exact same problem under the new Bionic Bever Beta 18.04. (Running KDE as well.) I struggled for a little while as Firefox was the default application that the sign in web page was appearing in. What I discovered is that I had to go into default applications and manually set me web browser to be firefox. It was grayed out with the default option of letting the type of URL define the application. Once I switched to manually setting everything to open in firefox it was all good!!. Hopefully someone is writing instructions on how to install in the different env
    1 point
  8. I've just knew about this software and I'm amazed with its features. I've started from the 2.0 and I'm missing an interface for changing settings. One of the problemns I'm having is the difference of resolutions on my both devices. The host is 720p and the client is 2160p which makes the pointer speed too low in the client. Is it possible to adjust this in this version of the software? Any plans for the future? I would also like to lock the mouse in a specific screen instead of using them side by side, but also don't see an option like this anywhere. The size of the main
    1 point
  9. I updated to version 2.0.11 - still completely non-functional. MacOS 10.13.4 on both machines. The display sometimes has a progress bar. What does that mean? I have no idea and no way to figure it out.
    0 points
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