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  1. qaisjp


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    Jan Peterson

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/18 in all areas

  1. Synergy 2.0 Expectation: everything from the first (open source) version, but more. Reality: a downgrade that doesn't work half the time. Upgrading to 2.0 was a waste of money for me, I'm sorry to say.
    2 points
  2. One of the things that would help a lot, in case someone from Symless reads this, is getting us Syngery 2 users a license for Synergy 1.8, even if just temporary, so we can start using the product while we wait for the proxy functionality. I understand that giving refunds is not always possible, but once that feature is added and everyone is happy we could move to Synergy 2 properly, as it was intended and drop the v1 license. I understand how hard it is to build a business (I've tried), but we really need some solutions besides just waiting for the feature to be released, even if i
    1 point
  3. Here is the setup script I came up with for linux (bluez 5) if anyone else needs it. The various howto guides on the internet all failed me. #!/bin/sh br=pan0 brctl addbr $br brctl setfd $br 0 brctl stp $br off ip addr add dev $br ip link set $br up bt-network -d -s gn $br
    1 point
  4. I bought 2.0 because 1.8.8 worked pretty well. I see 2.1 will still require phoning Synergy home every time it's launched. Still broken, even before being released.
    1 point
  5. Gah, Q3 2018? I guess I'll be downgrading to 1.x, also.
    1 point
  6. What will happen if my internet is down?
    1 point
  7. I still do honestly appreciate the removal of the "server-client" architecture and allowing keyboards/mice to be shared between all devices, but I really don't think that constitutes a complete rewrite (well, clearly the rewrite is incomplete). I get the server-client code can't just be wrapped up into one shared system, but the automatic configuration ABSOLUTELY does not need to be rolled out into a new version. It's a very simple thing to incorporate into the existing v1 client. This is a clear cash grab. I'm not even angry, I'm disappointed. I wanted to support the company for thi
    1 point
  8. I am frustrated with this as well, The lab I work in does not allow Internet connections on the machines I am using, making 2.0 a non starter. I am frustrated as well that there is no indication of this major functionality gap on the website or a means to track or be notified when it is working again.
    1 point
  9. I have just purchased Synergy 2. If I have known it would not start to work without internet, I would have not bought it. It is a very poor engineering. PoS.
    1 point
  10. Please learn from a bigger company: That's a device that depends on Cloud, and they are shutting down the Cloud services because it's very expensive (for whatever reason) and so they have to discontinue that product that "depends" on Cloud to function, they are losing credibility and many, many loyal customers. Be warned.
    1 point
  11. Just was unable to use Syn2 due to a failure to connect to background service. I've not seen that happen before. If it's due to a dependency on the internet, that could lead to thousands of clients not being able to work. If so, seems like a major priority to remove that dependency.
    1 point
  12. Signed into the forums to second this. I don't mean to be rude, but I will withdraw my support for Synergy if it requires cloud connectivity. There is absolutely no reason the application should fail without an internet connection. I need a KVM solution, not a self-aware settings-in-the-cloud-storing ostentatious replacement.
    1 point
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