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  1. TheDoctor


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  2. matrd


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/18 in all areas

  1. It still requires a rooted devices, Since I do not have any devices that are not rooted and I rewrite and build a custom rom for them. It is not on my todo list.
    1 point
  2. Bung, I prefer synergy Here is the the one fixed for android L M N O. I fixed it. As far as the samsung goes I could fix it in a day or so if there was a bounty on it https://github.com/tekcomm/Android-Synergy-007
    1 point
  3. Yeas, I run into that kind of thing often when adding or subtracting a monitor from Ubuntu. Synergy doesn't seem to realize that it's happened and uses the old desktop dimensions. I don't use Ubuntu as my server, so I haven't gotten that badly stuck. The way I fix it is to open the synergy app and right click to "share from" again. It doesn't seem to matter which machine you do it on. That usually causes a reconnect and fixes the issue. Alternately, drag one of the computers away from the rest, then back. You could also try using the tray app on Windows to disable then enable Syner
    1 point
  4. some one should take back the strings and put synergy 1.9.x back on github to be maintained by the community... just sayin ;D
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately, close but no cigar. I´ve tried several times since ver. 2.0 was launched and my two Mac computers, both on the same wired network, same configuration, seeing each other with ping, working flawlessly with Synergy 1.9.1, refuse to connect. I´ve installed the "server" and it remains stuck at the "second step: install synergy on another computer". I do so, but the other computer just shows a dark screen icon and nothing happens. And to add insult to injury, the "minimalist" design does not allow you to see what´s going on, aside of the sending logs feature. For the time being, I wil
    1 point
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