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  1. Rodney Baker

    Rodney Baker

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  2. Alexander Gordon Taylor

    Alexander Gordon Taylor

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  4. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/18 in all areas

  1. I don't know how effective this will be for you, but I can explain what I have done to work around this problem. I run LinuxMint dualboot on my laptop, but prefer to use my normal keyboard and mouse to work on it from my main computer. To get synergy working at login screen, after disabling the service, I added a line that reads Environment="XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/:0" after the ExecStart line in my systemd synergy.service file. Reenabling the service and restarting I believe was enough to get it working at login. I also created a synergyRestart.service that runs after login w
    1 point
  2. Thanks, I am now successfully running, though I did have to alter the symlink from Nick's recommendation, from ln -s ~/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.conf ~/.config/synergy/synergy.conf to ln -s ~/.config/Symless/Synergy.conf ~/.config/synergy/synergy.conf ...as the target wasn't as Nick suggested. So at this point my OpenSUSE installation in successful, and I can see and move other screens in the config window. It's not working reliably for me, but I'll put that feedback somewhere more relevant, as the installation issue is solved.
    1 point
  3. Yes, but rather than run /bin/env, my systemd unit file now looks like this: [Unit] Description=Synergy Service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=5 SyslogLevel=err ExecStart=/usr/bin/synergyd Environment=HOME=/home/<my_username> [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Where <my_username> above is a placeholder for my actual username. I upped RestartSec to 5 to avoid the errors I was seeing with the service trying to restart too quickly after a failure (mind you, since it's been starting properly it probably hasn't needed that parameter)
    1 point
  4. I tried that, but unfortunately it didn't. Now that it's working, performance seems (subjectively) smoother/faster/less resource intensive on the Win 10 Tablet than 1.88. The machines are on 2 different subnets - that wasn't officially supported on 1.88, but it worked with an avahi reflector proxying bonjour info between subnets, so it did work. I'm guessing that 2.0 doesn't use avahi/bonjour, so it takes that overhead out of the way. Of course, I could be completely wrong about that, too...
    1 point
  5. OK - I now have it starting from systemd; following a hint in another post, I first added an override in the [service] section of the systemd unit file to set Environment=HOME=/root. I then created /root/.config/synergy and symlinked synergy.conf to my user's ~/.config/synergy/synergy.conf, but this didn't work. The service started OK but the connection was never established. I modified the line in the systemd unit file to Environment=HOME=/home/<my_user>, did systemctl daemon-reload and restarted the service, and it works! Win 10 client is connected and the openSuSE box's keyboard a
    1 point
  6. Working on a windows version Here's a mac script - save it as UninstallSynergy2.sh, and open terminal - chmod 755 it, ( use at your own risk ) and run "sudo .\UninstallSynergy2.sh"
    0 points
  7. Hello, Please could you email us? [email protected] I posted something earlier about forum support... https://symless.com/forums/topic/3756-were-improving-our-tech-support/ Thanks, Nick
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