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  1. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

    Synergy Team

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  2. Davey


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/17 in all areas

  1. It'd be really handy to see what's been updated between 2.0, 2.0.1 and 2.0.2
    2 points
  2. It's an issue with the self-signed SSL certificate. Self-Signed certificates are not trusted by default. I believe Nick will need to install the the self-signed cert as a trusted server. Self-Signed certificates are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. heidi@imladras$ openssl s_client -connect pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443 CONNECTED(00000003) depth=0 CN = verify error:num=18:self signed certificate verify return:1 depth=0 CN = verify return:1 --- Certificate chain 0 s:/CN= i:/CN= --- Server certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE
    2 points
  3. I have brought this to the attention of @Nick Bolton, as unfortunately, there's not much most others can do here. If you'd like, go to the Support section of the Symless website and submit a support request detailing your concerns with connecting to the auto-config server from Beijing. They will be able to directly work with you and sort it out. If not, they'll be happy to get you onto v1 or give you a refund if it doesn't work out in your favor.
    1 point
  4. This used to be avoided by a Synergy setting called "Don't take foreground window on Windows servers". Without any settings interface in Synergy 2 we have no obvious way to configure this, but it is still a setting. Synergy 2's configuration can be found at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Symless\Synergy\synergy.conf and the setting you want is "win32KeepForeground = true". To keep the changes you will need to modify the file properties to Read-only or else Synergy2 will overwrite your changes when it next launches. Speaking of, you need to restart the Synergy service in order for the setting to ta
    1 point
  5. Having this problem as well. Please fix it, while I uninstall and try to find the older version to reinstall. I feel I've wasted my $29 on software that wasn't fully tested.
    1 point
  6. Enterpise Architect - I cannot use or r4ecommend a product like this if it is dependent on the availbility of "Cloud Services". Clouds are not 100% reliable - anybody who thinks so is fooling themselves. An organisation cannot suddenly have its keyboards disabled because a cloud service isn't working correctly. Without the documentation indicating how this service works how can it be trusted. Does it only require the clouf service during the initial configuration? Does it require the cloud service to eb=nable connections? Does require the cloudservice to be active
    1 point
  7. Hope we don't have to wait that long for modifier key swap (Cmd/Ctrl/Alt/etc.). Is that a higher priority?
    1 point
  8. Agree with @wunderdojo. Synergy is a game changer in my office, so naturally I wanted to try the latest version. 1.x was quirky, but once you got the config right it worked every time and was fit for a production environment. I paid for the 2.0 beta and left it on the shelf when it didn't work. Then I tried again once I saw a 'stable' version had been released. It didn't work either. Glad it's working for some folks but this is not ready for primetime. I'm back on 1.8.
    1 point
  9. The shame. Oh, the shame. Thinking about Electron for Synergy 3... Yeah, that sucks. We wanted to fix that for the stable release but had more important fixes to implement. We'll definitely get this fixed for 2.1 since it annoys the hell out of me... but we'll see about getting this into 2.0 at a push.
    1 point
  10. Windows 32-bit support will be released tomorrow. However, Linux 32-bit will not be available for a while.
    1 point
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