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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/17 in all areas

  1. 2.01 is an improvement, but I still have to close the app and then restart the service to be able to connect when I switch to a different network....
    1 point
  2. Hi - I'm a longtime Synergy user/supporter, but just now upgraded to 2.0 Pro. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work at all. And well, that's unfortunately the only way to describe it... I hate to be negative, but I'm just flabbergasted right now. This is a massive change from the previous version, but there's no supporting documentation/explanation/help files, status messages, no indication of what you should see when things are or are not working, and no menus, options, or settings available... it's impossible for me to troubleshoot anything. It simply doesn't work and I have no idea why.
    1 point
  3. Just want to echo some of the disappointment here. I feel like in an effort to create a simplified experience it's gone over the top and there is no easy way to troubleshoot anything. I also have struggled to find any sort of decent documentation or release notes as well. Some questions I've run in to that I'm not looking for resolution on right now, just giving examples are: Why are two computers I haven't used in months showing up in my config on a box I just installed on? How do I remove these computers from the setup? What does grey vs green mean? Why are the comput
    1 point
  4. Had exactly the same problem on all clients, so I did powercfg /REQUESTSOVERRIDE process synergy-core.exe display system from elevated command prompt on every client machine and it took care of it.
    1 point
  5. Amen. PLEASE make all outside connections optional !!!!!
    1 point
  6. This is a bug, it'll be fixed soon.
    1 point
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