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  1. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

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    Mingye Zhu

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/17 in all areas

  1. I don't use alt+tab to switch, but insted I use ctrl+alt+shift+number, I have 3 computer, and switch to them with it. Here the hotkeys in my config files: keystroke(shift+control+alt+KP_3) = switchToScreen(Win10) keystroke(shift+control+alt+KP_2) = switchToScreen(GPS1) keystroke(shift+control+alt+KP_1) = switchToScreen(Central)
    1 point
  2. To kill/stop the processes, I used the following command: $ launchctl kill SIGTERM gui/<uid>/com.symless.synergy.v2.synergyd To get the corresponding uid value, you can either execute "id -u <username>" or get the value from something like "ps -ef | grep synergy" (1st column). To restart the processes without restarting or logging out and back in again, the following command seems to work: $ launchctl kickstart -p gui/<uid>/com.symless.synergy.v2.synergyd
    1 point
  3. +1 vote here for DeX support. Would be awesome to be able to control all my devices instead of having to switch USB ports to get onto Android
    1 point
  4. Actually, it has nothing to do with licensing. After a lot of research, we concluded that cloud-based config was the most reliable and seamless way to connect your computers. Previously we used Bonjour for zero-configuration networking, but it comes unstuck in many cases. You shouldn't use beta4 as an example of cloud config performance because it has a huge flaw that is actually not related to the cloud part of the system. Don't judge it until you've seen it working properly. We're replacing the whole networking layer to solve this issue, which will be released in beta5. You're going to
    1 point
  5. I like that thought, but currently if you have multiple screens, say vertically, it does not calculate the boundaries and line up properly. It uses the overall resolution area, not of each screen. I have 2 horizontal on mac, and 2 vertical on PC, so when I bring back over on PC, it could be anywhere vertically it seems. not lining up.
    1 point
  6. Not yet. I'll see if we can get this ready for November.
    1 point
  7. We'll make this more intuitive going forward.
    1 point
  8. Yes, please. Got a Samsung Note 8 with DEX.
    1 point
  9. I have my Samsung DEX would love to add it to my Synergy environment.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, you'll be able to configure online via the cloud config service and then run it offline from that point (in case your internet goes offline). However, when you need to make changes to your config, you'll need to go back online. Or, you can skip the online cloud config entirely and configure it manually offline from the command line interface. But the command line is really meant for people who want to tinker under the hood, as you'd need to fiddle around with IP addresses, etc.
    1 point
  11. +1 on for this missing functionality. I bought the product under the assumption that was one of the features, it was advertised as such. Turns out that buried on the FAQ there is something about drag being supported in windows and mac, not even mentioning Linux to make it clear if it is supported or not... Disappointing.
    1 point
  12. Also bumping this. I did a search on the forums and it seems like this has been suggested in the past as well. I'm running synergy across 4 devices and it would be nice to arrange it based on displays for at least three of the machines rather by device only. Ideally, I'd love to have my laptop and tablet set up under my main machine monitor 1 and monitor 2 respectively, rather than having the laptop set to be left of only desktop, or left of only tablet.
    1 point
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