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  1. This is a listing of hotkeys known to function in Synergy 2 beta 4 and will be updated at such a time that it changes. Tested currently on a Win 8.1 PC (I only have PC keyboards, perhaps someone with a Mac keyboard can confirm) Make current hardware used the server: F12, Alt+F12, Ctrl+F12, Ctrl+Shift+F12 Lock to current screen: Scroll Lock Show logs: ~ (tilde), Alt+Tilde, Ctrl+Tilde (may need to make use of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilde#Keyboards for international keyboards) That seems to be it, tested every key combination one would consider a usable hotkey.
    1 point
  2. WINDOWS FIREWALL These Windows 10 firewall settings have worked for several users first by Ilya reported on the forum: manually add the following rules to the windows firewall: %ProgramFiles%\Synergy\synergys.exe %ProgramFiles%\Synergy\synergyd.exe %ProgramFiles%\Synergy\synergyc.exe %ProgramFiles%\Synergy\synergy2.exe permit synergys.exe to "Outbound Rules" (Domain + Private) in Windows 10 added port 24810 inbound and outbound rules to windows firewall on both systems
    1 point
  3. Having donated for Nicks rent years ago, i bought licenses of synergy1 twice for myself later, and today i paid for again for synergy2. And guess what? It feels good. Synergy is tremendously useful. If i met Nick on the street, i would happily buy him beer and pizza. Even if i don't use the synergy2 features yet (needs -ehem- debugging...), paying $15 today is a (very small) investment in the continued development of the software. So please don't haggle over "lifetime access" - just buy the symless folks a pizza now and then. :-)
    1 point
  4. It took me a while to find this thread. My W10 firewall is enforced on by group policy so I couldn't even test the "turn it off" method. Adding the firewall exceptions solved my problem too. One thing to note in my case: The server machine Desktop Icon went GREEN immediately, but the client Desktop Icon stayed dark. Some kind of communication was possible because it showed the same way on the client. And it responded to rearrangement of the two desktops on either server or client. The logs showed that it was failing connectivity tests which cleared with the firewall exceptions on th
    1 point
  5. To make it easier for the community, I exported the firewall rules from the registry. Simply run this to import said rules (assuming - which I believe is 'hard corded' - that Synergy is installed in the same place for you as it was for me. Synergy staff, you can test this file to verify it's authenticity and either edit the post with your approval, etc. I'm not trying to scare people. Just making it easier. ** Note: PLEASE BACKUP YOUR REGISTRY IF YOU ARE AT ALL UNEASY ABOUT THIS ** Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzjVb0QlbsKENUMzN2p3TUtJMHM/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  6. I understand their reasoning, but the problem is that there was no communication what so ever. I just got a "BUY NOW!!" email out of the blue. Hell, got another one literally titled "? SYNERGIZEEEEE!!!! ?" telling me I'm 24 hours away from never being able to get it for $15 again. I have heard nothing about Synergy 1 for... so so long, and in a period of a week I'm being asked multiple times to purchase the new version. The "original" Synergy has been pretty much sunset at this point. It doesn't get updates, it's still buggy, and from what I have read there is no intention to continue s
    1 point
  7. Yes! Finally someone else who has experienced this. This happens to me with a Logitech G9x mouse on a Sierra host with both Sierra and High Sierra clients. Logitech gaming software is installed, but it occurs even if it's not installed. However the same mouse on a Linux host works fine with Mac clients. Server: Mac OS Sierra, Standard Resolution Display Client: Mac OS High Sierra, Retina Display
    1 point
  8. Hang in there beta testers. Beta 4 should have never dropped. Everyone agrees. It is being seriously rewritten. Beta 5 should show up within a couple of weeks. Synergy beta 4 is not Synergy 2. it is an incompletely developed test version for beta testers to try and report back about. Many users have 'bought in' to the beta program and stepped back to the stable version 1 waiting for the full version 2 or to test the next beta, beta 5. They still, of course still have a financial consideration for the final version of Synergy 2. It should be on the market about the end of the year.
    1 point
  9. Upload gif again https://monosnap.com/file/daKW3JR5tel1FAoocGw1BXTGdHvxBb.png
    1 point
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