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  1. GranPaSmurf


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  2. Allan Jackson

    Allan Jackson

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    jaap aarts

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/17 in all areas

  1. That was my experience as well. When I got into work this morning, it was broken again. I restarted the computer that just slept overnight (the other computer was off), and then it started working again.
    2 points
  2. added port 24810 inbound and outbound rules to windows firewall on both systems and mouse is working now as is cut and paste of text. no way should you completely turnoff your firewall as directed !
    2 points
  3. Followed all the directions.... all I get when starting synergy is a a blue screen with a small square with my computer name on it. both computer is the same... exept my other one is Mint 18 and I don't even get the little square in that one... just a blue screen. The only option I have is QUIT. Couldn't synergy 1 work alongside 2 in the meanwhile... stuck with synergy2 and yes I know is pre-beta but what is wrong with this?
    1 point
  4. I have tried Synergy 2 on my home network. it seems like working properly But in my company network just after launch, it crashes. My blind guess is it may occur due to SSL proxy certificate issue. (before crash it shows some connection related issue). Sorry I can not upload crash log or screenshot here due to company policy. But please provide a mechanism for installing CA root certificate in Synergy. I'll try to add company root certificate in OpenSSL folder tomorrow and let you know to the update. But even if it doesn't work please add an option for t
    1 point
  5. It took me a while to find this thread. My W10 firewall is enforced on by group policy so I couldn't even test the "turn it off" method. Adding the firewall exceptions solved my problem too. One thing to note in my case: The server machine Desktop Icon went GREEN immediately, but the client Desktop Icon stayed dark. Some kind of communication was possible because it showed the same way on the client. And it responded to rearrangement of the two desktops on either server or client. The logs showed that it was failing connectivity tests which cleared with the firewall exceptions on th
    1 point
  6. Is there any update on the Proxy settings? I just bought it and I can't use it... I need to go thru the proxy. I am also concern about the cloud part, need to make sure there's no way keys strokes are going to be logged.
    1 point
  7. I am interested in this as well as I just got the 24hr email and I was an early adopter as well. I use it when I work from home and is handy I don't mind paying the $15 but I recall something similar on the lifetime access. I hope this can be clarified before the $15 ends.
    1 point
  8. Great beta testing, thanks. I'm interested to see your results when beta 5 drops.
    1 point
  9. double check your firewall settings. this earlier post seems to have had success
    1 point
  10. Not to worry, couple of re-installs did the trick
    1 point
  11. This post i.e. adding Port 24810 to an Inbound and Outbound rule on each machine solved it for me. Here Thank you @caveguy
    1 point
  12. Wanted to update that I fixed this by watching the logs and opening the port that the server was trying to connect to in windows firewall.
    1 point
  13. yeah, having to build beta builds for 6 diferent operating systems is already really impressive. adding another architecture is unnecessary as very few people need it. itl be available for the release.
    1 point
  14. When I was using beta 3 & 4, I didn't notice any lag. In the past, I have noticed it in version 1 and noticed that also there was an auto-scan running of a virus scan. In other words, on that particular older machine, it seemed to be an issue of resource/memory utilization. The lag went away when the scan finished. Nick is aware of this lag on some setups and said that beta 5 would bypass whatever was causing it. We're hoping for beta 5 in the next couple of weeks.
    1 point
  15. I like the new interface and auto-configuration for no experienced users, but I would also like to see some advanced settings for ports or IP addresses etc. As mentioned above, it is very tempting to right click the screen icon and hopefully see some context menu. Looking forward for Beta5.
    1 point
  16. Thanks, I won't request a refund because I value the software and I like to support developers but I just think it was a little premature to make it a public beta. I will probably revert to version 1 and keep an eye out for version 2 updates.
    1 point
  17. I think we took Nick by surprise that so many of us still needed a 32-bit application. He promised to have one to us in November.
    1 point
  18. Thanks for trying Synergy 2 beta! Please read the beta4 troubleshooting guide before posting. You may need to restart the background services a few times to get it to work. If you're still having problems, please either post your logs in a new thread or email us ([email protected]).
    1 point
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