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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/17 in all areas

  1. I took advantage of what I thought was a good deal buying Synergy 2 for $19 saving me $30 on the full license price. But now you've sent me an email asking me to buy it for only $5. I can't help but feel a bit insulted. I love version 1 of this software and I was happy to support version 2. I stopped using the beta because it was totally non-functional for me. I get it, it's beta, so I didn't ask for a refund. But now there's a much better deal that is basically being waved in my face. I understand you guys may have looked at the numbers and decided to change your mind about pricing, but
    1 point
  2. I also paid for a 'lifetime account' many years ago. I also recall I got Synergy 1 Pro for free because I had an "lifetime access" account or something similar, however it does appear Synergy 2 (if it really is or not is difficult to verify without source code access) is a different product with the same name but personally I don't care, I'm satisfied with what I got for the few bucks I paid years ago, regardless of the outcome this time around- I believe they made a bad decision calling it Synergy 2 if it's not an incremental update to the Synergy 1 source. And as long as Synergy 1
    1 point
  3. Good beta testing. Good point on allowing specific port in firewall
    1 point
  4. My Mac server -> Windows 7 client connection wasn't working at all until I followed these steps. Now it's working great though!
    1 point
  5. @Liwei can you do systemctl status synergy? @Stickman can you give logs(pls post link you get form synegryand not directly in the post.)
    1 point
  6. Hello, I purchased two licenses under the same account for my organization. Myself and one other individual used Synergy 1 to use multiple (different) computers. Testing the beta, I can already see an issue. If Synergy 2 uses the Symless account for determining which computers should be controlled, we can't both use the same account. Is there a way to split this? Or can the 2nd license be moved to a new account? Thanks!
    1 point
  7. 1: the cloud stores the config, thats all. 2: I hope they are going to make local config servers available. but for now synergy-core is your only option for this
    1 point
  8. did you try:? dont just read the post but also 80% of the comments, it might help.
    1 point
  9. its supposed to work without having the GUI open.(its a bug a lot of people are having right now) just make a post, we, everyone on this forum, will try to help you and figure out if the developers need to know it, if so we'll usually tag nick(his staff never looks on the forum).
    1 point
  10. I honestly dont know. did you still have synergy 1 installed while this(the not connecting) was happening? and beta 5 is due in like a week
    1 point
  11. OK - I now have it starting from systemd; following a hint in another post, I first added an override in the [service] section of the systemd unit file to set Environment=HOME=/root. I then created /root/.config/synergy and symlinked synergy.conf to my user's ~/.config/synergy/synergy.conf, but this didn't work. The service started OK but the connection was never established. I modified the line in the systemd unit file to Environment=HOME=/home/<my_user>, did systemctl daemon-reload and restarted the service, and it works! Win 10 client is connected and the openSuSE box's keyboard a
    1 point
  12. Kacper, neat override. There are several Arch Linux users posting on this forum. Unfortunately, beta 4 just doesn't like Linux distros. Beyond Nick's early troubleshooting comments: https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting there's just not much to offer except to wait for beta 5. It should drop in the next couple of weeks. The lack of operability on Linux was a big disappoint for beta 4 and the promise is that whole layers of code had to be removed/rewritten to correct it. Meantime, many of us, Linux users, have dropped back to the more stable version 1.
    1 point
  13. I've had the same issues with openSuSE Tumbleweed. I symlinked libcrytpo.so.38 to libcrypto.so.10 and libssl.so.27 to libssl.so.10. Attempting to start synergy.service from systemctl fails every time (output from journalctl -x -u synergy.service below), but running it from a command line window as per the instructions on the Linux troubleshooting post have it working with one Windows 10 client connected. Here's what happens when attempting to start the service from systemd (this is all from one instance of 'systemctl start synergy.service': Oct 12 23:05:02 mako.vk5ztv.ampr.org systemd
    1 point
  14. I think in addition to this being a software development cycle, this is also a learning experience for the company. I'm sure it wasn't their intention to upset their customers, but none the less it has happened and I'm using the venue provided to me (in return for my $19 I might add) to let them know. I want to reiterate, I've been using Synergy for years and years. It's a great product and I'm very much looking forward to Version 2. I know there will be issues with the Beta given its very nature. My gripes have been about the other stuff. There was no easy way to find the troubleshootin
    1 point
  15. Stopping the app in Activity Monitor doesn't help, it's automatically restarted a few seconds later on my Mac Mini and my MacBook Pro.
    1 point
  16. Hilariously, even Synergy wouldn't solve their frustrations, as the monitors are so far apart, you'd have to be a ginormous distance away to see all of them, and by the time you do that, you'd have to have monstrous-sized hands in order to reach those dang peripherals!
    1 point
  17. We miss this too. It'll be in an upcoming beta (maybe beta6).
    1 point
  18. I'd expect that too. If you could assure us that the Synergy 2 release version won't be Synergy 1 Now With 25% Less Features, I'd be more than happy.
    1 point
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