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  1. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

    Synergy Team

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  2. Kelvin Tran

    Kelvin Tran

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  3. jml


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  4. Jonathan Sparks

    Jonathan Sparks

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/17 in all areas

  1. Beyond the "Why can't I download Synergy 2?" (in which the answer, 90% of the time, is that you didn't know you needed to buy it and so you don't have a license) question, there's also one concerning the license of Synergy 2 that I find asked frequently enough to be answered in a dedicated topic. This question is "Is this a beta license?", or some variation. @Nick Bolton, if I missed anything, feel free to add it to the topic! The Synergy 2 license is a full license. There is no transition from a beta license to a full production license. The license you have now is labelled "Synergy
    2 points
  2. One small correction: In the email, it actually says "In November 2017, it will be $49 for new users who haven't purchased Synergy before." We haven't yet announced how we're transitioning non-early-access Synergy 1 users to Synergy 2. What I can say is that we will look after our lifetime access members. We will honor that commitment because we do care about them and we do recognize their support in the early days. What I can say, is that Synergy 2 won't be free for lifetime access customers in November (when Synergy 2 is first released), but there is a plan in place to handle this in ea
    2 points
  3. Why not write and ask before flaming? I think if you ASK you might find that the license conversions are quite fair.
    2 points
  4. Considering that I purchased the '1' pro version license with 'lifetime support' and was notified weeks later that the product was being dropped, why is it you think I would be interested in giving you additional money? I need better assurances than I have so far to even consider it. The pressure tactics aren't helping. They only suggest desperate need of funding! A commitment that I will get a conversion of my Synergy'1' Pro license to '2 Pro' and continued 'lifetime' support at the same 'Pro' level - the same in terms of functional capability and features - not name, for an additi
    1 point
  5. Guess I'll have to wait for the next beta round. Back to 1.8.8 for now.
    1 point
  6. Since the new web site rolled out a few weeks ago, I have not been able to find release notes or the beta builds of Synergy. Am I missing something?
    1 point
  7. Agree with the sentiments above.. 30 day Grace and online activation I can make a plan with. Low level networking control is vital for my uses.. I need to be able to control interface and port used at minimum
    1 point
  8. And, just because I like thing to 'just work' for my own convenience - does not make me an IDIOT user - in fact I doubt a software like this is even on the radar of any IDIOTS.... HMPPHHHH
    1 point
  9. Hey, sorry this hasn't been fixed. We'll most likely tackle this in Synergy 2.1.
    1 point
  10. If you don't like it, [email protected] It's that simple. @Nick Bolton has stated in previous posts that he intends to devise a system for those who bought the Synergy 1 license under the impression of "lifetime support". If the pressure tactics are helping, don't buy it! Don't come here and complain that you're not going to buy it, however. You are going to get a response similar to "don't buy it then". Symless is like a regular business; they're not going to bend something for one or even a group of people. They openly advertise their refunds email address because they want to ensure
    1 point
  11. Actually to get the process to start automatically on a per user basis do the following:- Create a file ~/.config/systemd/user/synergy.service It should look like the following:- [Unit] Description=Synergy Server [Service] Environment=DISPLAY=:0 ExecStart=/bin/env HOME=/home/<username> /usr/bin/synergyd [Install] WantedBy=default.target Now issue systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user enable synergy.service systemctl --user start synergy.service ps -ef | grep -i synergy The above should show you
    1 point
  12. Solved/Success: What I did ... 1. Completely remove Synergy from Ubuntu 16.04 using Ubuntu software (you may have to reboot if you have not done so since install to populate Ubuntu software) 2. Go to Files and search for Synergy (Activate hidden files with Ctrl-h) 3. Delete anything Synergy related (besides .deb file downloaded) and empty trash 4. Reboot system (precautionary) 5. open terminal in directory of .deb file 6. install manually with: sudo dpkg -i synergy-v1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2-Linux-x86_64.deb 7. I had an error on the first try that said: Packa
    1 point
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