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  1. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

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  2. stuart macmillan

    stuart macmillan

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    Eben M Haber

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/17 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, I finally make it works over 3 win 10 computers. When you get the services.msc and restart synergy + f12 thing its pretty fast to makes it work. So why not implement the synegy restart in the gui ? And make a line about the f12 refresh for the beginners, log access and start with the OS. An offline server should be great when no internet around. What about the copy paste between computer ? Possibility to shows the multiple screens devices in the gui. 32 bit version for older and raspberry types devices or make synegy 1 compatible some how. Android ve
    1 point
  2. Copy and paste finally works for me both ways, only worked one way in version 1. I would like to request that you don't hide the controls in the gui. Maybe have a "Pro mode" switch that will allow us to see the keys we can press to enable different functions. Thus far I know of ~ (tilde) to see log file console, and F12 to restart/refresh. What else can we do? Finally, I had to turn off my firewall to get ver 2 to talk to each other - why? Please provide instructions for creating an exception for the service to get through the firewall. A user should not have to disable their f
    1 point
  3. nick bolton using the copy paste a bit to much. but you guys have to understand that there is a full refund available, and you shouldn't expect pre-release softwhere to work, there is a reason its not released yet. the paywall is to make sure they can handle all the responses, and a refund is available if you want your money back, so its not that bad at all. and they arnt even asking 50 usd for this, thats for the final release, not the beta.
    1 point
  4. We'll make this more intuitive going forward.
    1 point
  5. Yeah, this is a known bug. It'll probably be something we work on in either Synergy 2.1 or 2.2.
    1 point
  6. well lets be fair you did not have to pay for it no one forced you and you could have waited until it was released. If you did not want to run software that may not work well then I would suggest you stay away from none released software regardless of if its Alpha, Beta. The whole point of pre release software is its going to be unstable and buggy and as a developer I would have thought you would know that. If you always stuck to stable software nothing would ever be achieved.
    1 point
  7. Yes, it works now, so that must have been the problem.
    1 point
  8. I wasn't thinking just gonna use scroll lock...
    1 point
  9. If you have to ask this question, maybe you shouldn't yet. Synergy 2 is in beta right now. You can opt in early access to help finding bugs early and help developing Synergy 2. Synergy 2 is far from being finished and feature complete. Besides, Synergy 2 promises to be more comfortable to use, easier to setup and more secure.
    1 point
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