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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/17 in all areas

  1. I discovered the problem. One of the computers (Win 10 box) had a problem so I used a clone drive. The problem was that the network detected it as a different computer and lost the trust relationship. Once the computer was unjoined from the domain and rejoined, everything worked again.
    1 point
  2. Yeah, I understand totally Redistribution is forbidden (that's written on the bottom left of the GUI) That's why I suggested Symless team to look at the tool. That way, they can generate the package themselves on each new beta and put on Synergy website with the others GNU/Linux distributions packages.
    1 point
  3. That's really great ! Symless team @Andrew Nelless, @Dan Sorahan, @Jerry Hou, @Joe Abasolo, @Julia Katharina Klein, @Karen Williams, @Malcolm Lowe, @Nick Bolton should look into that tool debtap to integrate into their release pipeline and make arch package while in beta and since we can't make an AUR right now
    1 point
  4. I made it myself using debtap(deb to arch package) its really nice, at first it had some weird dependencies but after removing those it worked. currently its impossible to make an AUR package since you need to be logged in to download the .deb. but if this becomes possible I am willing to do that as well until they release an official package.
    1 point
  5. I used this to install synergy2 on arch, and maybe try installing libcurl-openssl-1.0?
    1 point
  6. for arch users use deptap, for missing files look to which package they belong to>install that package. and you could try manually putting the files in the correct place, I don't know if this works on solus but you could try. I am looking forward to an easy install on most Linux distros but I totally understand that maintaining all of them is to much work for a beta.
    1 point
  7. Synergy 2 is partially closed source, so there will be no tarball that includes the new user interface. Our master branch on GitHub is where you'll find the Synergy 2 open source component (which we're calling Synergy Core). Here's the ZIP... https://github.com/symless/synergy/archive/master.zip From there you'll need instructions to compile, configure, and run from the command line.
    1 point
  8. Being able to send commands to computer A when on B or vice versa for certain AHK scripts is useful things like pausing playback on client computers without interrupting what I'm doing on the server can be useful, one button mute all systems those sorts of things.
    1 point
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