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Global On/Off-Switch


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I really like the new feature in Synergy 2, the ability to disable/enable it easily.

I just thought that it would be neat having the ability to enable the whole thing again from the other device. So you'd have to make the enabled/disabled state global and share it between all the computers. Is this possible?


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  • 4 weeks later...


The enable/disable switch is in fact a really handy tool! :-)

But... could it be possible to have Synergy starting up with the O.S. and remember the enable/disable state?  Other option: to have a 'auto connect on/off' switch at boot/reboot, on each system.  Like Synergy 1 at the config window.

Example: sometimes i'm booting my laptop in an other room then the room where my desktop is allready running, which gives result my mouse or keyboard not responding on my laptop (because desktop is allready sharing keyboard and mouse input).  Very annoying… :-(


Thanks very much for making Synergy even better!


Grtz, Yapke

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It get's more annoying while working on one of your systems, when they are locate in different rooms, and mouse suddenly is out of screen (difficult to find it back) when you accindently went beyond the screen borders.

Grtz, Yapke

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  • 2 weeks later...

totally agree.  I'd recommend there be a feature where we hold the control key to allow the mouse to go off screen.

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