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[LOCKED] Synergy loses ability to click in client

James Fee

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Rob Heckart

I actually have server & client log files that are relevant to this topic, but I can't upload them here since only images are supported. Paul Suarez, how can I get these files to you?

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Rob Heckart

Actually I have a support ticket open for this with Joe Abasolo assigned. I sent the log files via email through that, so hopefully they show up.

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Client log (in debug2 because it didn't look like there was anything being recorded in Debug1 that would indicate an issue):



Server log (also debug2):


the loss of click on client happens within the last 2 min of the log

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Scroll lock did nothing.  I will say that the server plays a system sound "Windows Background.wav" - i have the default sounds - whenever i try to click in the client when it is like this.  That sound is attached to a number of windows events including Exclamation and System Notification.  I didn't notice before because i wasn't wearing my headphones when it happened.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same issue. I lose the ability to click on anything on the client computer while I'm playing media on the server computer, while I'm making a call through Google, while I'm on Youtube or while on some websites. Anything I can do to the configuration to be able to use the mouse on both machines while I play media?

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  • 8 months later...

This is still an issue in v2.0.1-stable.  But it happens far more often now; almost immediately from when I enable synergy on either machine.  At least with the old version, restarting the server would temporarily fix it.  But with the latest version, it's just not worth using.  A KVM is less annoying.

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FYI, I'm using Malwarebytes + BitDefender + Windows Firewall on the host machine and Malwarebytes + Avast + Windows Firewall on the client.  After reading previous posts, I'll test disabling the firewalls temporarily to see if that fixes it.

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Sorry, I'm actually using v2.0.10-stable not 2.0.1-stable.  Also sorry to hear it's still an issue for you James.  We're in the same boat.  I found out that disabling both firewalls revealed a different problem: both pc's would lose entire keyboard and mouse functionality every 6 to 15 minutes for up to 10 seconds (no obvious trigger).  Then it would just start working again.

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This annoys me and happens almost every time I use my computer. After searching for a resolution I was sad to see this has been an issue for so long. Is it even listed as a known bug? have the devs acknowledged you?

I made my display name in honor of you. Hopefully it starts a movement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this issue in Synergy 1.8 (I used a free build) and I was so naive to think that developers have fixed it in the version 2.0. But it's still there and it makes Synergy totally unusable. Being able to send input events to a remote machine is the core functionality. Guys, are you serious? You sell a broken product and don't fix a major issue for more than a year? What a shame!

As a workaround for the Windows "server" machine, it's possible to restart the Synergy service.

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The work-around that corrects the immediate issue for me is to just click the mouse once on the screen background on the server machine. That seems to enable mouse clicks being recognized again on my other (client) computers.  This issue happens to me once or twice a day every day (sometimes more).  I seem to have this issue come up more often when I have a remote desktop session to a remote computer (that's not running Synergy) open on one of my (client) computers that I'm using.

I'm on 2.0.10 right now.


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Fuel Medical Support
On 5/4/2018 at 10:01 PM, Mode said:

Sorry, I'm actually using v2.0.10-stable not 2.0.1-stable.  Also sorry to hear it's still an issue for you James.  We're in the same boat.  I found out that disabling both firewalls revealed a different problem: both pc's would lose entire keyboard and mouse functionality every 6 to 15 minutes for up to 10 seconds (no obvious trigger).  Then it would just start working again.

This random lockup started for me in 2.0.11.  Completely debilitating computers for seconds at a time.  After uninstalling and reinstalling 2.0.10, the problem went away.  I am waiting for 2.0.12 to come out.

Host: Win 10 Pro 64b

Client: MacBook Pro 10.13.4


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Hi, looks like I am also experiencing James Fee's bug. I am using Synergy Pro version 1.9.1-stable-2a0225c1 on host and client machines. I can't upgrade to Synergy 2.x yet because it won't work with the proxy here at work. 

Machine layout:

Host: Windows 10 Professional (64-bit)

Client #1: Fedora 26 (64-bit)

Client #2: Fedora 27 (64-bit)

Client #3: Windows 7 Professional (64-bit).

More Information:

Like James Fee I have Visual Studio open most of the day (I am using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise).  The problem only seems to happen on my Windows 7 client.  Both of the Linux clients do not seem to be exhibiting the 'missing click event'  bugs.   In fact, usually clicking the desktop of a Linux client is enough to get the click events registering in Windows 7 for a short time.

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I have had this happen on every version since the very first version of synergy.

I feel it's got to do something with how long you leave the mouse on the client machine without a mouse click. It almost seems like there is a timeout or something like that. As long as I keep using mouse clicks on the client, it's fine. If I'm just using the keyboard and not don't use click, after sometime clicks will stop working. Luckily there is a relatively simple workaround. Move the mouse to the host/server machine and click anywhere. After this I can go back to the client machine and mouse clicks start to work.

I'd love to have this fixed, but there other major blocking issues I have with synergy 2 that I'd like to see fixed before.

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I've had this issue for years on both 1.x and 2.x.

Currently running Win10x64 as the server, and a MacbookPro with the latest MacOS as the client.  Last year, I tracked the source of the issue to "AutoHotKey" being installed and running.  As long as AutoHotKey wasn't installed/running, I didn't have any client click-registering issues.  

When the clicks stop registering on the MacOS client, there are a few things that can be done to get it working again:  1.) Temporary fix is to click on the Windows10 desktop so that the focus is no longer in a specific application, and then clicks start registering on the MacOS client.  Unfortunately, this is a very temporary workaround because as soon as the Windows10 focus moves away from the desktop to any application, the clicks stop registering on the MacOS client.  2.) a slightly longer-term workaround is to completely restart the synergy service on the Windows10 desktop.  After a few seconds, the connection is reestablished and clicks register regardless of which window has the focus on the Windows10 desktop.  Unfortunately, after an undetermined amount of time, the clicks stop registering again.  Usually happens multiple times per day.  

Both of these workarounds seem to work, even if AutoHotKey is still running.  Unfortunately, tossing AutoHotKey is not an option in my case.  Any of you with this issue using AutoHotKey as well?  

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12 minutes ago, jayvee said:

 Any of you with this issue using AutoHotKey as well?  


I do. I use AutoHotkey for some actions and Mahou layout switcher for layout switching (it works in any window unlike AutoHotkey). I think your investigation is very interesting. AutoHokey installs so-called keyboard and mouse hooks. These are low-level input event handlers that call each other in a chain. Theoretically, they may interfere with Synergy because it should use its own hooks for user input redirection.

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I do not use AutoHotKey but can believe there are similar actions/hooks in Visual Studio.

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Saw the thread and was hoping there was a fix. :(

Also having the same issue (also with Visual Studio running :D
Server: Win 10 Pro 64 Bit: HP Desktop: Synergy 2.0.11-stable 
Client: Win 10 Pro 64 Bit: (Lenovo Thinkpad) : Synergy 2.0.11-stable
Network: Hard wired. Firewall allowed App Synergy all domains.

Same "Fix" works, move to Server, click & go back to client for clicking tell it dies again.
Mouse moves on client, highlights works, just no clickey.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just adding a "me too".

I have tried 2.0.11, 2.0.12 and now on 1.9.1

Both PC's Win10 64bit.

All exhibit the same behavior. The mouse CLICK stops working on the client.

It appears to be when I am using video or on Zoom/Skype (with or without video). Or if I am viewing a graphics intensive webpage on the server PC.

Mouse moves, hover tips still work, the client PC reacts as on MouseMove and MouseOver .... but not on MouseClick (left, right, or middle)

"Apply" on the server Synergy screen is my go-to fix and has not failed to work.


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Also adding a "me too" with the exact same symptoms. Server works fine, but client will lose the click ability. I can mouse over, and even scroll a window with the mouse wheel, but left clicking does not register. My work around is the same as the original OP last year. Move the mouse to the server machine and click anywhere. Then it works. Sometimes. If clicking on the server fails to bring the client back up, then I will move the mouse manually on the client laptop, and click anywhere. Then when I use the server mouse, I can now click again...

VERY frustrating... especially since it is completely random on when this happens.

I am running Synergy 1.9.1-stable-2a0225c1 on both server and client.

Both machines are running Windows 10.17134.48 with SP 1803.

Both machines are wired and firewalls have been completely disabled.

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