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Synergy crashing on Mac

Juhász, Ádám

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Juhász, Ádám

I wanted to upgrade Synergy from 1.8.7 to 1.8.8 using the following AppleScript I quickly thrown together:


tell application "Synergy"
end tell

tell application "Finder"
duplicate file "Synergy:Synergy.app" to "Macintosh HD:Application:" with replacing
end tell

tell application "Synergy" to activate


I wanted to use this script, so I could upgrade Synergy on the client Mac OS X (10.11.3) from my Windows host, without taking out the mice and keyboard for my Mac.

After I have run the script, Synergy crashed. I tried to downgrade it back to 1.8.7, without success.

I have deleted the Synergy folders under ~/Library/, I have tried not to use the script, but without success.


I have no idea what to do next. Can somebody help?

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Juhász, Ádám

I can run the synergy client from the terminal like so:


./synergyc -d INFO -n Mac -l ~/synergy.log [address of server]

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