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Six Screens, top three 2 seperate machines

Andrew Higgs

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Dear Andrew,

surely Synergy handle two machines ( :lol: ), and I have experience of having one screen (win7) + 3 screens (linux), and it was working!


In the configuration of sinergy, you only add the single machine, not its monitors. The only thing you have to do in that case is to set up in Synergy the computers layout as:


xxxxxxxxx | PC TOP | xxxxxxxxx


xxxxxxxxx | PC BOTTOM | xxxxxxxxx


xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx| xxxxxxxxx


(just checked, it works)


A problem I might foresee is related to resolutions of monitors... if its different (or differently handled by the OSes), you might not be able to consistently (meaning: in the exact same horizontal location) move to the top monitor.


I am a simple user, so take my answer with a grain of salt :)




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