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Mac Server: Hit and Miss with Clients

Gary Dauphin

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I am running Mac 10.11 as my Synergy Server.

My Win10 box as client, connects up just fine and has no problems.

Try to connect up another mac 10.11 machine, and it keeps reporting: ERROR: Failed to Connect secure socket, even though the client settings are exactly the same.


I thought maybe it was a port number issue, but with the current version I don't even see a way to change the ports.


Server reports: [2017-02-12T13:20:54] NOTE: new client is unresponsive


Client reports: message above, SSL routines: ssl23_GET_SERVER_Hellow: unknown protocol


All are on the latest version of Synergy Pro.

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Hey Gary,


We have an article relating to this over on our Knowledge Base. However, just to quickly outline it here are you sure you've got SSL encryption enabled on both the client and the server?

Having it enabled on one and not the other is the usual suspect for this kind of error.



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That did in fact fix the issue, thank you. Oddly, I never changed those settings from the defaults, so unclear why some had it set on be default and some had it turned off by default. THANKS!

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