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Selectable server for client config

Alec Bell

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My laptop is a Synergy client in two environments: home and work.

"Auto config" does not work for me, so I have to enter the hostname of each server when I switch.

Entering the same IP, or a complex hostname (and possibly FQDN) can be a little annoying.


I am requesting a new feature in the GUI: provide a selectable server.

This could be a drop-down list, or (assuming a majority switch between no more than 2 environments), easy selection between two hostnames/IPs. My initial thought is two radio buttons with the server names/IPs in the space next to "Auto config".


In the meantime, I have made an easy shortcut for myself.

Modifying the laptop's host file, I have added "hostnames" "h" and "w" for my home and work servers.

That way, I only have to enter a single letter to switch between servers.

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