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Unrecognised client name?

Ben Raybone

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Hello, when I connect my Lubuntu client to my windows PC running the server it does this:


[2017-02-04T16:32:33] NOTE: accepted client connection
[2017-02-04T16:32:33] WARNING: unrecognised client name "TS3SERVER", check server config
[2017-02-04T16:32:33] NOTE: disconnecting client "TS3SERVER"
[2017-02-04T16:32:33] NOTE: client "TS3SERVER" has disconnected


how can I fix this?

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Vebjørn Endresen

i had the same problem, and used too mutch time to figure out.

but what worked for me was adding the server ip adress to interface option in the settings menu. i did that both on the server and the client.

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  • 11 months later...

Old post, but it shows up at the top of Google search. I had this same problem, even after adding my new client to the server's list. Stopping & Starting the server fixed it for me.

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  • 8 months later...

On the client... Go to -edit -settings.  Under Network section choose 'Enable Auto Config'.  this will require you to install bonjour.  Once you do that it should connect to the server no problem. 

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  • 2 years later...
John Lussmyer

I seem to be hitting the same (or similar) issue.
Just updated both my Synergy installations to Win 10 (server, BIGCAT) and OSX (client, MACMINI) to version 1.12.2
It all is working, EXCEPT that the server is showing this set of msgs every 5 seconds:

[2020-12-26T16:56:07] INFO: accepted secure socket

[2020-12-26T16:56:07] INFO: network encryption protocol: TLSv1.2

[2020-12-26T16:56:07] NOTE: accepted client connection

[2020-12-26T16:56:07] WARNING: unrecognised client name "Server", check server config

[2020-12-26T16:56:07] NOTE: disconnecting client "Server"

[2020-12-26T16:56:07] NOTE: client "Server" has disconnected

Auto config works, and I've saved the server Synergy configuration, and there is no mention of a client named "Server".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone please post here how to do this without Bonjour?  Again, this is at the top of google, and countless people are landing here.  And I simply cannot figure out how to do this correctly and I'd rather not write an sgc from scratch.

One way I found to do it (this has got to be incorrect) but, you can:

0) Start Synergy Client on remote computer.

1) Start Synergy Server on the server.

2) Select Client Mode on the client.

3) Select Server Mode on the server.

4) Type in your server's address on the client.

5) Click "Configure Server..." on the server.

6) Drag the screen in the upper right onto a cell in the window.

7) Configure that screen to use some arbitrary friendly name, then add an alias which is the client's computer name. You must type it in then click Add, then you can say OK.

Then it seems to work.  Again, this feels super jankey that you need to have a separate friendly name for the remote client's name... So, surely this is wrong.

Edited by CNLohr
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  • 3 weeks later...
Steve Bennett

First - hooray, the tip above finally got Synergy working for me.

To clarify the important bit:

- the name of the client doesn't matter

- adding the client's real name as an *alias* is what matters.


Pretty surprised by just how crappy and flakey this software is for $29 USD. It obviously gets very little maintenance or development, but must be making a ton of money.

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What did the trick for me was clicking on "Configure Server" button and under "Screens and links" tab, add a new screen (drag and drop top right icon) and ensure the "Screen Name" is the same name that you're other machines / clients are using.

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