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1.8.7 Mouse Select on Client Failure

William P Mackenzie

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William P Mackenzie

After upgrading to 1.8.7 of Synergy mouse selection on client machines will intermittently stop to function until the mouse is moved back to the server and a selection (left button) is done on the server. Once done, selection works once again on the clients for a period of time.


Client 1: Linux Ubuntu 14.04.1; Synergy Basic 1.8.7 ; Connected to Server via Ethernet

Client 2: Windows 10 10.0.14393 Build 14393; Synergy Basic 1.8.7 Connected to Server via WiFi

Server: Windows 10 10 10.0.14393 Build 14393


Failure is intermittent, happening a 1-10 times a day, sometimes within minutes of the last failure, sometimes within hours.


Logs available upon request.

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john paradise

I've been experiencing this same problem for nearly a year (through many upgrades). I was beginning to think I must be the only one seeing this behavior. My server is Win 10 64bit and I have one and sometimes 2 clients, also Win 10 64 bit. The client knows where the mouse is as clickable items highlight but clicking the mouse button does nothing. In my case I press stop and start on the server program to regain functionality on the client(s)

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Svein Ellingsen

Can confirm what looks like exactly the same problem. Server: Win10 x64 desktop, dual monitors 2560x1440 resolution, client: Win10 x64 laptop w/ 4K display. Synergy v.1.8.7.

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I'm experiencing the same issue. I have a Windows 10 64 bit server (with 3 monitors) and Mac OS 10.11.5 client (single screen). Both on version 1.8.7.


My mouse pointer will move around on the client, but will lose the ability to click anything. Functionality returns after moving pointer to server and back. This seems to happen when I'm reading something and don't use the mouse for a bit.

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