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Mouse Stutters On Mac Client

Charlie Smith

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Charlie Smith

I have Synergy (latest version) installed as follows:


Fedora 25 - Server

Mac Sierra - Client

Windows 7 - Client

Mint 18 - Client


Clipboard Sharing & Drag and Drop are both turned off (for now).


Mouse movement on Win and Mint client is smooth and fluid as expected.


Mouse movement on Mac starts smooth but quickly degrades to stuttering as it is moved around the screen, frequently end up clicking on wrong icon because movement is lagging.


It appears to be a Mac issue of some kind. Any idea how to troubleshoot?


Thanks in advance.

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Thomas Harold

Same issue for me (it was also present in 1.8.6).


Server: Ubuntu 64bit 1.8.7

Client: OS X Sierra 1.8.7


Mouse stutters and jumps around on the client screen.


My guess is that it has something to do with these messages on the server. Although they do not appear too frequently.


[2017-01-28T17:52:46] ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure)
[2017-01-28T17:52:46] ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol


Restarting the server does seem to fix the issue for a while.

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