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Accent grave is not working on client PC

Markus Wild

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Dear Synergy community,

even if I'm a very satisfied Synergy User for many, many years (must be >5 years), I have never posted something in the forum. However, today I thought it is time to write this post about an issue with the French grave accent (è). On my Server computer I can easily create this character by pressing Shift + "´"-key followed by the "e"-key. However, this doesn't work on my client PC. No character will be put on the screen, when I press this combination. The "e" with the accent in the other direction (é; acute accent) works perfect on the Server and Client, but not the accent grave.


Is this a known issue and how can it be fixed?


My Computer configuration is the following:

Server: Windows 10 Home 64 Bit

Client: Windows 7 Professional, 64 Bit

Keyboard: German keyboard

Synergy Version: 1.8.6-stable


Many thanks for your support and

best regards


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