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OSX multiple user accounts installation

Russ Anderson

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Russ Anderson

I run Synergy as a server on my OSX machine, with a Windows box as the client. I switch between two user accounts frequently, and both accounts need to connect to the windows box in the same way. I have learned that I need to shut down the server when I switch users - that is perfectly OK. However the thing that annoys me is whenever I *upgrade* Synergy. Whichever user account I use (they are both admin accounts) works fine, but it kills all permissions on the other account.


I realise it's not a huge chore to run "sudo chmod -R 770 /Applications/Synergy.app" from a command line to fix this, but I feel as though this shouldn't be necessary... couldn't you change the install so it was runnable by Group by default? This seems to be the only piece of software I use that has this problem of being only runnable by one user when it's installed. Or is there a reason for it being this way?


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