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Linux Mint 17.2 Start Synergy before login

Carl Thomas

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Hello all.


I thought I'd share my results in searching for instructions to make Synergy launch before login so you can use it for the login screen as well as control of the client system's desktop afterwards.


Rather than copy someone else work, and to give credit where credit is due, please see the instructions here: https://fromax.gitbooks.io/synergy-arch ... -mint.html


I've tested the client side configuration between two Linux Mint 17.2 systems using Cinnamon and Synergy version 1.8.6-stable-2ab21aa on both systems as a test run and it does work. Without the server-side configuration, you will get a repeated error about a client with the client’s name already being connected.


As a side note, I did not use the server's hostname, but the IP address in the command line /usr/bin/synergyc. So it should read /usr/bin/synergyc .


Hope this help.


Carl T.

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