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Running Synergy behind a firewall

Tony O'keefe

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Let me explain, Synergy functions fully across my configuration of Mac OS Sierra / Windows 7 / Linux CentOS 7.x

The issue is that the Mac is the server, but whenever I start Synergy Little Snitch (the firewall) requests permission. I understand that a new target is created on every execution (of Synergy) but there must be a way around this.


I have tried adding the Application manually, giving it carte blanche but it insists on requesting permission because the firewall sees it as a new application every time.


Ideas would be gratefully accepted :D

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  • 8 months later...
John Wesley Barker

I too run Synergy with 2 MacBook Pros (clients) and an iMac (server) all running Little Snitch 4 and found your post as I want to be able to access Little Snitch on the clients. I may write to Little Snitch developers about this.

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