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How to deal with UAC prompts

Eden Soto

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Synergy's been working great... except for when I get a UAC prompt on the non-server machine. I have to unplug the keyboard from the server machine and deal with the prompt, then plug it back in, etc. I'm aware of the Elevated option, but I'm not sure how to use it, exactly. Do I set it to "Always"? Do I do that on one machine? Both? Pretty confused on how to configure that properly and would love some info on that.


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...
Philip Hebert

I have found that UAC is more an irritation then a help. If you are confident you know what you are doing with your own PC, and you are willing to reduce on an annoying security feature; An option would be to disable UAC on the system you are having a problem with.


Start > Run > type in UAC and hit enter. Should open the User Account Control settings. Drop the slider all the way to the bottom and click Ok. UAC will no longer pop up for anything on the system again.



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I don't have much experience with the 'Elevate' options but I just tested it; I have it set to 'Always' on both my Win10 Server and Win10 Client and it seems to handle UAC prompts on my Win10 Client correctly. Setting it to 'As Needed' doesn't seem to do anything different, at least for UAC prompts.

EDIT: I set Elevate to 'Never' on my Server and kept it 'Always' on the Client. No UAC problems on Client.


[Without 'Elevate' UAC seems to kick the Synergy connection back to the Server's Screen and won't let it come back to the Client screen until several seconds have passed. After waiting, moving back to the Client Screen and accepting the UAC, Synergy is again kicked back to the Server Screen where I have to wait a few seconds and then enter the Client Screen to continue working normally.]


I don't want to turn UAC off though, so my interim method has been to set up HotKeys to switch to each of my different screens. Once a UAC pops up, I repeatedly press the HotKey for that screen until the cursor appears.


With the Elevation, I'm curious as to what is being Elevated and how, as well as the combination of not using encryption. Even on powerful machines on Ethernet, I still get cursor lag with encryption enabled.

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