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Synergy 1.8.5 Win Server Mac Client failing

John Lussmyer

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John Lussmyer

I recently updated both my Mac and Win to Synergy 1.8.5-stable-a18eba7

Win machine is the server, Mac is the client.

The connection is getting a constant stream of errors, making the mouse jerk and miss clicks on the Mac.

debug2 log attached.

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Go to your Hidden Library folder and delete the .plist file


in My case was: ~Library/Preferences/com.http-symless-com.Synergy.plist


Delete that file and it will prompt you to reconfigure the app, which allows you to start fresh.


Good Luck

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John Lussmyer

First I tried something that I should have done in the first place.

rebooted both machines.

That fixed the problem.


Apparently the "update in place" on one of the machines didn't quite work right.

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