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Server closes when trying to drag and drop large files


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Hi, I'm using 1.8.5-stable-a18eba7 on two Macs with El Capitan and, although file transfers now seem to work, they fail when the file is too large. The server log shows the following messages when using drag and drop to transfer a large file —about 500 MB— to the client:


[2016-11-03T13:44:15] INFO: process exited normally
[2016-11-03T13:44:15] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting
[2016-11-03T13:44:17] INFO: starting server
[2016-11-03T13:44:17] INFO: config file: /var/folders/kx/5qdrgrk95cjc8hzfx2_9mxq40000gn/T/Synergy.VRB132
[2016-11-03T13:44:17] INFO: log level: INFO
[2016-11-03T13:44:18] INFO: drag and drop enabled
[2016-11-03T13:44:19] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
2016-11-03 13:44:19.492 synergys[16115:79987027] starting cocoa loop
[2016-11-03T13:44:19] NOTE: accepted client connection


And this is the client log (private data removed):


2016-11-03 13:44:06.715 synergyc[765:23882] screen size: witdh = 1280.000000 height = 800.000000
2016-11-03 13:44:06.716 synergyc[765:23882] mouseLocation: 1203 534
2016-11-03 13:44:06.716 synergyc[765:23882] newPosX: 1202
2016-11-03 13:44:06.716 synergyc[765:23882] newPosY: 265
2016-11-03 13:44:06.731 synergyc[765:23882] drag file ext: iso
2016-11-03 13:44:06.735 synergyc[765:23882] cocoa mouse down
2016-11-03 13:44:06.737 synergyc[765:23882] _DPSDiscardEvents: FlushEventsMatchingListFromQueue returned error (-50)
[2016-11-03T13:44:06] INFO: entering screen
2016-11-03 13:44:07.748 synergyc[765:23882] cocoa drop target: /path
[2016-11-03T13:44:14] NOTE: server is dead
[2016-11-03T13:44:14] INFO: leaving screen
[2016-11-03T13:44:14] WARNING: cursor may not be visible
[2016-11-03T13:44:14] WARNING: failed to connect to server: server is not responding
[2016-11-03T13:44:15] NOTE: connecting to 'X.X.X.X': X.X.X.X:24800
[2016-11-03T13:44:15] NOTE: disconnected from server
[2016-11-03T13:44:16] NOTE: connecting to 'X.X.X.X': X.X.X.X:24800
[2016-11-03T13:44:16] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection refused
[2016-11-03T13:44:17] NOTE: connecting to 'X.X.X.X': X.X.X.X:24800
[2016-11-03T13:44:17] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection refused
[2016-11-03T13:44:18] NOTE: connecting to 'X.X.X.X': X.X.X.X:24800
[2016-11-03T13:44:18] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection refused
[2016-11-03T13:44:19] NOTE: connecting to 'X.X.X.X': X.X.X.X:24800
[2016-11-03T13:44:19] WARNING: cursor may no
t be visible
[2016-11-03T13:44:19] NOTE: connected to server


When copying small files it works fine. I've been testing with different file sizes to see where the threshold is, and it seems to start failing when the file size is larger than 10 MB. The results are not consistent, though, some files of about 13.5 MB in size may get copied perfectly and 11 or 10 MB files may still fail. It looks like the server might be timing out or something.


Another thing I've observed is that file names with commas in them get truncated to the first comma.


Is there an imposed limit on file transfers? Could it be possible for Synergy GUI to display some sort of progress indicator if large file transfers were possible?

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