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Awareness of individual screen geometry

Adam Plocher

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Right now Synergy has an awareness of individual computers, but no awareness of the displays/monitors used by each of them.


As an example, one of my computers has 3 displays laid out horizontally ("Computer 1": uber wide-screen). My other computer ("Computer 2") has 1 smaller display that sites above those 3. If I move my mouse cursor to the right side of "Computer 2" and bring it down to "Computer 1", it will end up on the right side of the far-right monitor. If I do it on the left, it will end up on the left side of the far-left monitor. This is very disorienting, and the behavior is unexpected.




I think instead of simply seeing two computers and being done, it needs to go a little further and have an awareness of the screens attached to each computer. It became such a frustration that I ended up disabling the screen edge transition, and setting up a hotkey to move between computers with Synergy.


It should feel seamless (or "symless") as if the mouse cursor was passing through the screen to the one below it. The behavior I would expect is more like:





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I had the same issue a couple years ago but with two monitors on top of three. I had to edit the configuration file. In the config file you'll want to focus on the 'section: links'. It lists all your monitors and their locations in relation to one another. Let's say I have one monitor on top, that is MAC, and three monitors on the bottom, that is PC.


section: links




bottom = MAC




What you'll want to do is add something like this:


section: links


top = WINDOWS (33,66)


bottom = MAC



What is will do is make it so when you're on the MAC computer and you move your mouse down it will only come down on the monitor in the middle. If your on the PC computer and you move your mouse up from any of the three monitors, it will move up to the MAC computer normally. You can mess around with the 33,66 numbers to get it to work just right for your setup. The numbers work like a percentage of the screen you want to use, 0 being far left and 100 being far right. Synergy sees the 3 monitors as one, so it sums the length of the 3 to 100.


I hope this wasn't too weird to understand.

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