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How I got 1.8.3 working again on Windows 10

Laurence Silverman

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Laurence Silverman

I upgraded Synergy on 2 Windows 10 PCs this morning, October 5, 2016, and Synergy stopped working. Ports were open and responding on the server, but my single client would time-out connecting to the server.


This was Synergy Basic, so SSL was not available as a root cause.


Ultimately, a complete reinstall and registry cleaning on both machines was required to get things working again.


I uninstalled the product on both machines.

In the Windows registry on both machines I deleted everything under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Synergy. I believe this is ultimately what helped me get working again. Nothing I did prior to blowing away the registry and restarting from scratch worked. I wish I'd kept a backup prior to diff with the new keys.

Then I re-installed and let the wizards do their thing.


Now it works.


Hope that helps someone.

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Thanks for the tip. I went through the registry and deleted a few more that had synergy in the fields. After rebooting and reinstalling it worked on my server and one client but not the second client. I ended up unchecking SSL encryption under the settings on the server and the client that was timing out. It of course killed the connection on the client that was connected. After starting and stopping on all machines and nothing connecting, I re-enabled SSl and finally the two clients connected to the server. Hope that helps as well.

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