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1.83 installed now i cant connect


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Mac sierra as server

windows 10 64 as client


ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol


I get ssl erros. How do I reset everything and start over?


[2016-09-26T10:06:59] INFO: client connection may not be secure

[2016-09-26T10:07:00] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015

[2016-09-26T10:07:16] ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure)

[2016-09-26T10:07:16] ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol

[2016-09-26T10:07:16] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket

[2016-09-26T10:07:16] INFO: client connection may not be secure

[2016-09-26T10:07:17] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015

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Petter Blomberg

Please don't disable SSL support. If you do, I will read all your passwords as they travel across your local network. ;)


Make sure you are running Synergy Pro on both the client and the server. The easiest way is to re-run the setup wizard and make sure that you are logged in.


On my Mac, the wizard started by itself when I opened the app. On debian linux, I installed with dpkg -i, and synergy said nothing special when I started it, but I noticed that the window title was "Synergy Trial". When I ran the wizard again, I found out that it hadn't stored my login credentials, and after I fixed that the connection just worked.


I believe that the reason for this is that the free version of Synergy doesn't have ssl support. But license information should be kept during upgrades, and it should be very clear to the user that they are trying to run the free version but with (broken) ssl settings.

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Same problem here. Didn't try turning off SSL, but instead went back to v1.8.2. Also had a problem on server with not being able to install service until after a logoff/logon cycle. I remember this last issue from versions back a while but haven't had recently, including no problem with the v1.8.2 re-install.

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Please don't disable SSL support. If you do, I will read all your passwords as they travel across your local network. ;)


Make sure you are running Synergy Pro on both the client and the server. The easiest way is to re-run the setup wizard and make sure that you are logged in.


On my Mac, the wizard started by itself when I opened the app. On debian linux, I installed with dpkg -i, and synergy said nothing special when I started it, but I noticed that the window title was "Synergy Trial". When I ran the wizard again, I found out that it hadn't stored my login credentials, and after I fixed that the connection just worked.


I believe that the reason for this is that the free version of Synergy doesn't have ssl support. But license information should be kept during upgrades, and it should be very clear to the user that they are trying to run the free version but with (broken) ssl settings.


Aw shucks. I purchased Synergy Basic a couple of years ago. Today I attempted to upgrade from 1.7.6 to 1.8.3. Now it's broken, and it seems I need to upgrade to Synergy Pro. Not good. :-(

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I had to turn off SSL also. Client kept saying it couldn't verify server certificate fingerprint.


And somehow the screen got nuked in my server config during the upgrade or rerunning the setup wizard. That was easy to restore.


[ Running Synergy Pro on both client and server. ]

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I had to turn off SSL also. Client kept saying it couldn't verify server certificate fingerprint.


And somehow the screen got nuked in my server config during the upgrade or rerunning the setup wizard. That was easy to restore.


[ Running Synergy Pro on both client and server. ]


I really needed to get Synergy running again, so I removed and reinstalled the server on Ubunutu, and, after re-installing, was able to figure out how to turn off SSL from a Windows client. I would like to get my Ubuntu client running again, but can't figure out how to turn off SSL from Ubunutu. Anybody know?

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Hey, don't disable SSL!!!


It works after you delete the old SSL-certificates and run the Setup-Wizard again.


1.) Make sure you have a backup of your old Server-configuration!


2.) Stop Synergy-Server and all synergy processes!


3.) Remove old Server config-directory’s:




4.) Start Synergy again and create your own Settings with Setup-Wizard. The setup creates new certificates!


5.) Restore your old configuration and start Synergy-Server.


6.) Reconnect the Synergy-Client and accept the new Server fingerprint (see logs).


#Synergy-Server log:

[2016-09-27T10:31:53] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[2016-09-27T10:32:43] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
[2016-09-27T10:32:43] INFO: accepted secure socket
[2016-09-27T10:32:43] INFO: AES256-GCM-SHA384       TLSv1.2 Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD
[2016-09-27T10:32:43] NOTE: accepted client connection
[2016-09-27T10:33:13] NOTE: new client is unresponsive
[2016-09-27T10:34:50] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
[2016-09-27T10:34:50] INFO: accepted secure socket
[2016-09-27T10:34:50] INFO: AES256-GCM-SHA384       TLSv1.2 Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD
[2016-09-27T10:34:50] NOTE: accepted client connection
[2016-09-27T10:34:50] NOTE: client "TUX2" has connected
[2016-09-27T10:34:52] INFO: switch from "TUX1" to "TUX2" at 0,391


#Synergy-Client log:

[2016-09-27T10:33:26] NOTE: started client
[2016-09-27T10:33:26] NOTE: connecting to 'TUX1':
[2016-09-27T10:33:26] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
[2016-09-27T10:33:26] NOTE: server fingerprint: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
[2016-09-27T10:33:26] INFO: stopping synergy desktop process
[2016-09-27T10:33:26] ERROR: failed to verify server certificate fingerprint
[2016-09-27T10:33:26] INFO: process exited normally
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: starting client
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: config file: /tmp/qt_temp.F30687
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: log level: INFO
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] NOTE: started client
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] NOTE: connecting to 'TUX1':
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] NOTE: server fingerprint: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: connected to secure socket
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: server ssl certificate info: /CN=Synergy
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] INFO: AES256-GCM-SHA384       TLSv1.2 Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD
[2016-09-27T10:35:33] NOTE: connected to server
[2016-09-27T10:35:35] INFO: entering screen



Best regards



Test-System: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (Synergy-Server) and Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (Synergy-Client)

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Running into the SSL issue myself. I uninstalled both the server and client, reinstalled. No luck. What did work for me was running the wizard again on both the server and client. The wizard generated new certificates and now 1.8.3 is up and running securely.

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  • 11 months later...

You don't need to turn off SSL. Turn logging level in Settings to "Info" and it will start asking about accepting the certificate. Then turn logging back once you've accepted the certificate. 

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