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How to configure Dual screen


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The problem is that synergy recognizes the dual screens as one screen. I am looking a way to define the dual screen. alternative can I define the size of the screens so that synergy can move the mouse in and out of the dual screen to other screens.


Could you please check how to configure synergy so that it works with 4 screens - two screens (Dual monitors) connected to one computer the other two screens connected to one computer each?


In total there are three computers connected to four screens. Two screens on top and 2 screens at the bottom. Dual screens at the bottom are connected to a single computer. Two screens on top are connected to one computer each.


I love synergy and I am happy to contribute feedback to help make it even better. Thanks guys/girls for making such a great tool.


Feel free to contact me via email with regards to this issue. I am happy to discuss via Skype or any other chat.

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Damon Mittleider

I have somewhat got around this by creating a custom configuration file and limiting screens to a percentage. Say I have left and right screens on PC 1 and a single screen for PC 2 above the left, I tag PC1 as 0-49% of up goes to 0-100. It's not perfect, I just wish the GUI would allow you to do this configuration file rather than a file which is a bit finicky.

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