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Windows 10 Resolution issues

Jon Privatt

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I've recently upgraded to new monitors with higher resolution. (2560x1440)

I have had no issues on the server, but the client machines are not acting correctly.


1. In native resolution, the client machines mouse movements are very inaccurate, especially when moving north to south on the screen. They stutter and require multiple back and forth movements to get the mouse to move and a couple of passes to finally get the mouse exactly where you want it to be.


2. Second problem is more troubling. After running at these resolutions for a while, was having issues with eyestrain (dropping resolution makes is worse) so I went into the Windows Display Setting and bumped the "Change the size of text,apps and other items" slider up to 150%.

Since doing this, everything is better and works perfectly! ... except for Synergy...

First off, the application doesn't scale quite right, so you can no longer see most of the controls.

Secondly (and more troubling), if the mouse moves from the server to ANY client, it not only vanishes on the client, but it will NOT come back to the server.


Has anyone else experienced this?

I really need a solution because I need my Synergy back :-)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem, or I was.

Now my mouse won't move over to my client PC at all, despite both instances of Synergy say that they're connected. My server has a 4k monitor (Windows 10), my client is running at 1080p (Windows 7).

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  • 1 month later...
Nicolas Pascual

Hi guys,

Same issue here.

It started after my switch to 4K resolution on server. (3 monitors setup).


It only works fine if I move to 100% scaling in my 4K monitor. But as Jon Privatt said, this will bring a lot of issues in the near future.

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Same, issue with 4k screen, seems to work by itself, but mouse locks out and wont switch screen with 2nd lowres screen.

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  • 2 months later...
Bejay Waddell

I recently got myself a Microsoft Surface book, which comes with 200% scaling out of the box. And immediately noticed an issue.

When the mouse enters the scaled screen it travels a distance proportional to the remainder of the base resolution before scaling before jumping.


In my case at 200% scaling and entering the screen from the left hand side the mouse will make it halfway across the screen (travelling left to right), if the scaling is adjusted to 150% the mouse only travels on quarter of the way in before it jumps.


For me also the jumps are in no way 'random' (There is no such thing in computing) it consistently moves back to the right hand edge of the screen directly in line with the point it jumped from (Only the X axis was seen in my testing) if you continue moving it to the left you can now reach the whole screen space. Reversing the action results in the exact process in reverse. on hitting the right hand edge of the screen it jumps back to the jump point and then will continue off onto the other screen as it is supposed too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


Pointer issues with higher resolution screens were known about and should be fixed now, if any of you are on V1.8.7 and are still having this issue can you let me know?

If you're on anything older please be sure to update your software and confirm.



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Pointer issues with higher resolution screens were known about and should be fixed now, if any of you are on V1.8.7 and are still having this issue can you let me know?

I just upgraded to 1.8.7 to try to fix the above issues, but they are not resolved. If text scaling is not 100%, the cursor doesn't move properly, similar to how Bejay described it. I'm using 250% scaling.

I'm on Windows 10 with two displays in "Extend" mode, with the displays positioned horizontally. The server is Linux and its screen is positioned to the right of this client. The right display of this client is 2560x1440 and the cursor works fine. When I move to the left display (3840x2160) that's when the problems start. I will try to describe the movement more precisely when I'm back in the office on Monday.

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Adding more details from my previous post:

When I move the cursor off the left edge of the right display while at the bottom of the right display, it appears on the right edge of the left display about 5-10% of the way up, but it will not go any lower. It can go all the way to the top, though. As I continue to move it left, when it gets about 25% of the way from the right edge it will jump to the right edge of the RIGHT display. The cursor will only be visible on the right display, though, if it was in the top 1/3 or so of the left display. Presumably, if it's lower that that, it is somewhere off the bottom of the right display. Cursor speed is now much faster as I continue to move it left. Once it travels off the left edge of the right display again, then it appears on the left display and behaves normally over there. The return trip is symmetrical.


I've drawn a picture of how I perceive that synergy sees my screen layout:


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  • 3 months later...

Yes, having the same problem with my fancy high-res laptop with Windows 10.  The configuration screen is basically unusable due to the resolution scaling issue (see attached screenshot).  Looks like this thread was created back in September -- can we hear from Symless?


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