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ERROR: process exited with error code: 4

Oskar Anderson

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Oskar Anderson



I get following message when trying to connect my Macbook Pro and iMac..


2016-09-15T12:12:23] INFO: log level: INFO

[2016-09-15T12:12:23] INFO: starting server

[2016-09-15T12:12:23] INFO: config file: /var/folders/nb/bzpk7zw95tb91hbp0s7s38br0000gn/T/Synergy.TdF658

[2016-09-15T12:12:23] INFO: log level: INFO

[2016-09-15T12:12:23] ERROR: process exited with error code: 4

[2016-09-15T12:12:23] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting

[2016-09-15T12:12:23] INFO: drag and drop enabled

synergys: no configuration available


I've tried re-installing the program, changing servers and add/removing computer.. But the client computer seem to freak out when I try to connect, it get stuck in a loop and I cannot stop it..




All the best,


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