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Configure mouse button to exposé key (OS X)


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Hello everyone. I've just begun using Synergy for my two Macs, and loving it so far – it helps me a lot.


I have a Logitech mouse which has a few extra mouse buttons (Back; Forward; Thumb). In OS X, I use the Thumb button to open the exposé view (which displays all application windows, and is reachable by the exposé key which is shared with fn‒F3.)


I would like to bind my Thumb button to the exposé keyboard key. I'm assuming that means I have two questions:


• Is it possible for Synergy to send the exposé key command to the client? Remember, it's not F3 but something shared by the same key in OS X. Incidentally, in my setup it's also reachable by the combination CTRL + Uparrow (⌃ + ↑).


• If so, is it possible to bind the mouse thumb button to that key? I'm not sure if the button is known as "Mousebtn 5" or something – is there some way to identify it?



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I solved this issue for myself by assigning my mouse thumb button in Logitech Control Center to send keystroke a keyboard command (Ctrl + ↑) that I've assigned in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission control > Mission Control.


As opposed to having the mouse button send the exposé key/command directly. Synergy can't intercept the mission control key, but it will intercept a keyboard combination as above.

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  • 1 year later...


I just wanted to say thanks, because I just recently went back to incorporating my 27" iMac into my work setup again, and this was one of the things that consistently drove me nuts.  Now everything is working great, and this was the last annoying quirk.  Cheers! 

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