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linus gasser

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I'm running synergy on two macs, and the keyboard behaves non-optimal...


On the server-mac I have a US-keyboard. On the client mac I also chose the US-keyboard, which I have alongside a Swiss-keyboard.


Alphabetical keys are wrong with regard to z and y (the two alphabetical keys swapped between the keyboards). But other keys are worse: US-american slash on the server (which is on the number 7 on the swiss keyboard) gives a 7 !?!


It works a bit better if I chose the swiss-keyboard on the client side. But the slash is still wrong - special caracters needing shift go well (like ! and *), but I just discovered that hash (shift+3 on an american keyboard) gives *, too (the swiss-definition).


Do you want me to do a map of wrong caracters?

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