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Rebuild of Windows machine with similar name won't connect

Andrew Connell

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Andrew Connell

Everything was working great with 1.8.2 using latest OSX & latest Windows 10...


I then rebuilt the Windows10 machine and now it won't connect. The two can see each other, but on the Synergy server (OSX), it reports "WARNING: unrecognized client name "ACSURFACEPRO4", check server config" and then connects.


I suspect this is due to the fact the previous name of the machine was "ACSurfacePro4". I tried to find stuff in the config where I could reset / purge it... but I can't. When I opened the settings, I saw both names for the Windows machines appearing... I tried deleting both but still same issue.


Ideas on how to resolve this?

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I had the same issue after updating to the latest version. On the machine that was refused I selected "edit" on the top, selected "settings" from the drop down menu, then I changed the name and applied it. It still didn't work so I changed the name back and selected "Apply" and then "Start". It still wasn't working so I turned off "auto config" and manually entered the IP of the server. I ten turned "auto config" back on and it seemed to work just fine.

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