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Updated to v1.8.2 - mouse click not recognized on client PC

Rob Aldecocea

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Rob Aldecocea

I can't figure out what has gone wrong. I updated to v1.8.2 and all seemed well. Now when I am working (server is Win10 PC and client is Win10 laptop) my mouse clicks do nothing on the client PC. Mouse moves around from screen to screen (PC to Laptop) fine, but mouse clicks do nothing on the laptop. I tried a full uninstall on both machines, then reinstalled. Still happens. Any ideas?




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Try disabling the SSL and use the un-encrypted mode.... I can't get any help from tech support but generally works ok as long as the SSL is not checked

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Rob Aldecocea

Thanks for the advice Gary, I appreciate it! I managed to find a work-around that so far is helping. I uninstalled Synergy on both client and server, and also manually deleted the Synergy folder in 'Program Files'. I shut down both PCs, restarted, reinstalled and things seem to be working now. Maybe there was something "leftover" in the 'Program Files' Synergy folder that was causing the issue?

If it happens again, I will try disabling SSL and see if that does the trick.




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