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Synergy 1.8 OSX loses mouse pointer for ~20 seconds

Danny Parker

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Danny Parker

Just updated to 1.8.2-Stable-36cd521 on both my Mac 10.11.6 (Server), and Win10 (anniversary update) (Client)


In the 2 hours since updating, twice now the cursor has just vanished completely on the Mac (Server).


When it happens this is shown in the log:

[2016-08-26T17:14:22] INFO: switch from "Mac_OSX" to "Win10_PC" at 0,0

[2016-08-26T17:14:22] INFO: leaving screen

[2016-08-26T17:14:22] WARNING: cursor may not be visible

[2016-08-26T17:14:22] INFO: switch from "Win10_PC" to "Mac_OSX" at 2522,0

[2016-08-26T17:14:22] INFO: entering screen

[2016-08-26T17:14:25] INFO: switch from "Mac_OSX" to "Win10_PC" at 0,6

[2016-08-26T17:14:25] INFO: leaving screen

[2016-08-26T17:14:25] WARNING: cursor may not be visible

[2016-08-26T17:14:25] INFO: switch from "Win10_PC" to "Mac_OSX" at 2505,0

[2016-08-26T17:14:25] INFO: entering screen

[2016-08-26T17:20:37] INFO: screen "Mac_OSX" grabbed clipboard 0 from "Mac_OSX"

[2016-08-26T17:20:37] INFO: screen "Mac_OSX" grabbed clipboard 1 from "Mac_OSX"

[2016-08-26T17:23:57] INFO: switch from "Mac_OSX" to "Win10_PC" at 0,0

[2016-08-26T17:23:57] INFO: leaving screen

[2016-08-26T17:23:57] WARNING: cursor may not be visible

[2016-08-26T17:23:57] INFO: screen "Mac_OSX" updated clipboard 0

[2016-08-26T17:23:57] INFO: screen "Mac_OSX" updated clipboard 1

[2016-08-26T17:23:57] INFO: switch from "Win10_PC" to "Mac_OSX" at 2556,0

[2016-08-26T17:24:17] INFO: entering screen

[2016-08-26T17:24:17] NOTE: client "Win10_PC" has disconnected

[2016-08-26T17:24:17] INFO: process exited normally

[2016-08-26T17:24:17] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting

[2016-08-26T17:24:18] INFO: starting server



and the second time...

[2016-08-26T17:26:22] INFO: switch from "Mac_OSX" to "Win10_PC" at 0,391

[2016-08-26T17:26:22] INFO: leaving screen

[2016-08-26T17:26:22] WARNING: cursor may not be visible

[2016-08-26T17:26:23] INFO: screen "Mac_OSX" updated clipboard 0

[2016-08-26T17:26:23] INFO: screen "Mac_OSX" updated clipboard 1

[2016-08-26T17:26:23] INFO: switch from "Win10_PC" to "Mac_OSX" at 2554,372

[2016-08-26T17:26:43] INFO: entering screen

[2016-08-26T17:26:43] NOTE: client "Win10_PC" has disconnected

[2016-08-26T17:26:43] INFO: process exited normally

[2016-08-26T17:26:43] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting

[2016-08-26T17:26:44] INFO: starting server



I'm not sure of a repo, but it seems like it happens when the mouse switches rapidly. Might be to do with a large amount of clipboard data too. Apologies, I can't be clearer.

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  • 1 month later...
Brandon Edling

Hi there — I saw this, too, and turned off Drag and Drop File Transfers. That seemed to have cleared the issue.

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