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Problem with modifier keys in many programs

Simon Lundberg

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Simon Lundberg
I'm running Synergy (1.8.2), server is on a Windows 10 machine and a Mac (10.10.5) is connected as a client. In many programs I run, modifier keys have problems. An incomplete list: Photoshop CC: Shift and alt both work fine. I can use alt-LMB-drag to duplicate a layer with the move tool. I can hold the shift key to add to a marquee selection. Most of it seems to work fine, but spacebar-LMB-drag does not work. It behaves like an unmodified LMB-drag. Holding the spacebar on the Synergy client and dragging the mouse on the server works fine though. Unity: No modifier keys seem to work at all. The software clearly sees that a modifier key is down (icons change, etc), but modifier-LMB-drag behaves as unmodified LMB-drag like in Photoshop. Unlike Photoshop, holding the modifier key on the client and using the mouse on the server doesn't actually work. MODO: No modifier keys seem to work at all. The software does not even notice that a modifier key is used (no icon updates). Holding the modifier on the client and using the mouse on the server does work, however. Oddly enough, entering text into text fields sees that the shift key is used even though the rest of the software doesn't. Any help would be very appreciated.
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Chris Brubaker

I'm running 1.8.2 stable on OSX 10.11.6

Both client and server synergy are on OSX.


I also have issues, especially in Unity. It makes working in unity very tedious. But I have the same issue, it looks like unity sees the key inputs but then when you click to use the keys and the mouse it defaults to just a normal mouse click no modifier.

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