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Synergy 1.8 released

Nick Bolton

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  • Synergy Team
We’re excited to announce the release of Synergy 1.8! [url=http://symless.com/download/]Download Synergy 1.8[/url] In this version, we’ve made the copy-paste feature more reliable. We also fixed the text drag issue in Microsoft Office and the middle-click bug with Chrome. The GUI has also had a few changes, now the SSL plugin comes bundled with the installer and offline activation is now available. These are the bugs that we fixed… Unable to drag-select in MS Office Copy-paste causes ‘server is dead’ error on switching Server logging crashes when switching with clipboard data Middle click does not close Chrome tab on Mac client Linux client fails to start due to invalid cursor size Serial key textbox on activation screen overflows on Mac Stop button resets to Start when settings dialog canceled GUI crash during activation on Mac Various minor bug fixes We also added some enhancements… Include SSL plugin in installers (instead of wizard download) Auto restart service when synwinhk.dll fails on Windows High-resolution App icon on Mac Activation dialog which also accepts a serial key Recommend using serial key when online activation fails Show detailed version info on GUI about screen GUI setting to disable drag and drop feature Additional logging to output OpenSSL version Allow software to be time-limited with serial key Various minor enhancements Enjoy the new version of Synergy! Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you.
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Robert Levy1491393368
All good but since updating to this version, my computers continuously keep crashing. I restored to a restore point and that still did not fix my problem I need help please. I send an email yesterday and I have yet to receive any kind of a reply. This is extremely frustrating and I cannot get my work done! Windows 10 and Mac OIS 10.11 Update: Might have to do a complete system restore. Does this alter, affect, touch the network drivers? Even after reinstalling them, my system is still completely unstable after installing 1.8 and trying to figure out what caused the problem.
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I have been running version 1.8.2 on my pair of Windows 10 Pro systems for about a week now. So far, I have not experienced any problems. Drag-select in MS Office is now working. That was a huge annoyance. Thank you for that.


I have had one mysterious crash since upgrading from 1.7.6, but I woud be hard pressed to say if Synergy played a role. More likely a Windows problem.


Keep up the great work!

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Marek Platta


I've got newest version installed and sometimes i have problems with copying and pasting text from one machine to another (server is on linux - ubuntu gnome 16.10 and client is windows 7). The problem occurs when i'm trying to copy text from terminal on linux (ctrl+shift+c) and paste on windows 7 - ctrl + v does nothing. To unlock this i need to copy some text from Windows (for example notepad) and paste it to linux (gedit) and after this operation it is working again.


Best Regards

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Chris Dickey

So, since updating, this week, to the stable 1.8.2, the mouse is delayed for 5 seconds on the client station every time I copy anything. This happens when right clicking and copying and also using Ctrl + C

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.8 is really NOT stable, delays when crossing to other screens are bad, jerky curser movements and my laptop will just freeze up frequently ... I have switched it off now at least I can work without having to wait for it to unfreeze ...

Please guys when you say "Stable" you got to mean it ... look at the comments so far 1.8 is more bugged out than 1.5 ...


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Help! I paid the $10 fee and downloaded the program on my PC and my laptop. Nothing is working right. All the online help is very confusing, too many versions.


Where can I get the latest correct configuration info?



Update Sept 2: after watching about 5 more videos, I finally got it working. It would be helpful if there was a better way. I wasted about 5 hours trying to do a "simple" task. I tried to follow the "official" video on the Synergy site, where it talks about Bonjour being downloaded automatically. However, there was nothing automatic; I had to download Bonjour on both computers manually.

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Just upgraded yesterday and copy-paste is working from server to client (Mac to Windows 7) but NOT working reliably from client to server. After copying something from the client, the "paste" menu on the server is often not active indicating there is nothing on the clipboard to paste. But occasionally it does work so not sure what's going on.


About Synergy on both client and server says Version 1.8.2-stable-36cd521, Build date Thu Sep 1 2016.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Paid and upgraded to 1.8. Nothing works. Verified Bonjour was installed, since one post mentioned it needed to be manually done.


Previously had 1.4 installed and it worked great, minus using the shift key on clients. Now, I've wasted 2 hours and will need to negate using this for work until it can get resolved.


Support says 48 hours for a response. Who do I contact to downgrade my version, since paying 20 for this type of turn around when i can go on a forum. Pro version is NOT worth it!

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  • Synergy Team

Sorry to those who are seeing crashes in 1.8, and also to those who haven't had a reply to their support ticket. Good news, I have 2 solutions to share! :D


We are about to release 1.8.3 which has further clipboard stability fixes, you can try out the release candidate version here...


http://symless.com/nightly?filter=syner ... c1-38e77c1


As for the support tickets, we're currently in the process of hiring a new support engineer, but it's taking some time as we're very selective. Do you know someone who can help? Check out this post...






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