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Switching desktop "space" on Mac Client from Windows Host

Geoff Clark

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Geoff Clark
Hello. I have a Windows 10 Pro machine for the Synergy server and a Mac OS X 10.11 for the Synergy client. On the Mac, you should be able to use "Ctrl + left arrow"/"Ctrl + right arrow" or three finger gesture left or right to switch desktop "space". This feature will not work on Synergy. What do I need to do to get it configured to work. Thanks.
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Harrison Heck
I too have the same issue which has made using Synergy impossible for me. I use OS X for development, and have a ton of windows open, thus need the separate spaces. I also notice the application Contexts (contexts.co) which is a CMD + TAB replacement doesn't work with a Synergy keyboard, however it works fine with the Macbook's built in one.
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