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Cursor Malfunctions on Client Laptop - Worked Around

Timothy Kopp

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Timothy Kopp
Hello, I have two computers running 64-bit Windows 10. I want to run my desktop as a server and my laptop as a client. Both are running two monitors. When I move my cursor from my desktop to my laptop, the cursor sticks up the upper edge of the laptop display and no mouse movement from the server will budge it. The cursor only moves from right to left, always stuck on the top of the display, and when it reaches the top left it is stuck there. The server mouse buttons correctly right and left click on the client. The server keyboard inputs correctly on the client. If I touch the trackpad the cursor moves correctly, but I can no longer control the cursor with my server mouse nor move it back to my desktop. If I reverse the client/server configuration, the laptop touchpad works correctly on a client desktop -- but I want to escape the touchpad! And I need the keyboard and mouse connected o the desktop for independent use. Using the laptop as the server is an unacceptable workaround. Any ideas? - It looks like Synergy has issues with scaling of any sort. I set UI scaling to 100% on both machines and disabled screen resolution scaling on my desktop, which caused overscan but got synergy working. My main display is a TV, and I had been using the NVidia graphics driver to scale the 1080p signal to a slightly lower resolution to mitigate overscan. This confounded Synergy. Instead I created a custom resolution, which seems to have corrected the issue.
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I have a similar issue. I have one PC running windows 10 with two displays and a client connecting which also has two displays. I want to use Windows display scaling on the server but as soon as it's configured on the server displays Synergy is no longer able to move the mouse to the client display beyond the lower-right corner. [b]Update: [/b]I changed a setting on the server and restarted the service and now I can move to the client successfully with display scaling above 100%. Maybe the display scale setting change requires a Synergy server restart for things to work correctly? One other problem I am seeing: My server is a laptop connected to a USB dock with a Displaylink adapter for the second display. Synergy does not like configuring the server with the client PC adjacent to this USB-connected display. With this configuration the mouse reaches the edge of the screen and never moves to the client PC and in the client log I never see the "entering screen" or "leaving screen" messages with this configuration. It only works to put the client adjacent to the primary laptop screen.
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