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Unity and Synergy

Robin Jubber

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Robin Jubber
Hi there! I've just purchased Synergy (Win 7 host PC, Macbook slave) to use for game development with Unity. It's a lot easier than using a fiddly little mac when running Unity on that machine. However Synergy seems to have a bug - it can't properly 'grab' the various Unity objects, for scaling, movement and camera rotation. This makes Synergy next to useless with Unity, which rather defeats the purpose of purchasing it. Has anybody found a work around for this issue? Unity is pretty popular so I imagine somebody has bumped into this issue before. My only solution so far is to return to using the trackpad when in Unity, which is barely useable. Cheers, Robin.
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Robin Jubber
Still haven't found a solution to this issue, which seems to affect more than just Unity. Blender is also affected - to the point of being unusuable with Synergy.
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Robin Jubber
Still no reply? No problem - I'm enthusiastic in trying to find a solution to this issue! Maybe the mac requires some information from the mouse that Synergy is not providing. That's a bit odd - really you would think the click-on and click-off are all the info required, but apparently not. Any ideas?
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Robin Jubber
Never give up, that's what my mum told me. Although in retrospect that kind of advice *can* lead to restraining orders. Anyway, I'm sure the people who wrote Synergy are just dying for an opportunity to explain how to make it work with Blender and Unity, when the mouse pointer on the Mac is being controlled from the PC. Perhaps a hint as to why it doesn't work?
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Robin Jubber
Having a conversation with yourself just to keep this topic bumped up a forum that the Synergy developers never read is probably the first sign of madness
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Robin Jubber
Blender's grab and slide controls are also affected. Not that it matters, no body will ever reply to this thread
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Robin Jubber
Glad I didn't buy the full price version of Synergy - not totally enthralled with the level of support.
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Michael Simon
I'm replying just to say I've enjoyed your efforts to keep your topic alive. Synergy is a great product, but sadly suffers the same perceived inattentiveness to bugs that other small-budget software development endeavors succumb to. That said, I recall calling the customer service number (that they had at once time -- don't know if they still do) and was pleasantly surprised to immediately get someone on the line...
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Robin Jubber
Holy crap - a reply from somebody other than myself! Cheers Michael, and for your assistance in preventing topic death. Some searching on a different forum has thrown up another topic where a Synergy user raised this issue a year ago. A github link was included that goes nowhere unfortunately. I didn't see a phone number but there is an email contact form on the Synergy site, so I've tried that. Never know my luck, although I was under the impression normal synergy users are restricted to these forums. Cheers, Robin.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Michael T Stark
I am having same exact problem with Unity 3D. First with versions 4.6x and now with version 5.4x (latest). Another problem is that some of the hotkeys like "F" doesn't work either. "F" is something you need constantly to maintain focus on the object you are working with. It's as if Unity just doesn't see the mouse clicks when moving/scaling or rotating an object when you click on those on-screen widgets. Perhaps for those actions, they are using some sort of hack on the mouse messages, don't know. As they seem to eat their own dogfood, to some extent, that is my best, unqualified guess. I also wanted to add that my Synergy Pro server is running on an intel hex-core (DIY) system with Xubuntu 16.04.1 LTS and my Unity3D app is running on my quad-core 2.93Ghz/i7 iMac w/12GB RAM in Dual Monitor mode under OSX 10.11.4. I have teamviewer and dropbox loaded in background. MonoDevelop is open in one monitor and Unity in other. My work around is just to use a seperate mouse for object move/scale/rotate and my main mouse for everything else. Kind of a PITA, but it gets the job done. Although Synergy has been a bit querky, I really love the program and am hopeful this can be fixed in short order! Here is Unity3D URL if Synergy folks want to give this a look: https://unity3d.com/ To recreate the problem, here are the steps: - Create new project - Right click in the Hierarchy window and select "Create Empty" - You will see an item called "GameObject" appear in Hierarchy and it should by default be selected - simultaneously you will see the move tool pop up in the Scene window. If you don't see it, click "F" or "Edit->Frame Selected" if that hotkey isn't working. - Left click-hold on one of the 3 arrows of the move tool in the Scene window and now, while continuing to hold your left mouse down (like drag) move your mouse. The object should follow your movement along the selected axis. Alternatly, if you click/hold it at the vertex, you should be able to freely move it around in multiple directions. Please feel free to contact me for any logs or other assistance on this matter. -Tim
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Robin Jubber
Hi Michael - I too think it would be great if Synergy were able to fix this issue in short order, but I'm not certain that's going to happen. I've found a post on this subject dating from 2014, over two years ago. Is it possible that development on Synergy no longer occurs?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Robin Jubber

Because of Synergy's incompatibility with Unity or Blender I've not really used the product for a couple of weeks. However for simple tasks it still works, so I booted it up on my Win7 64-bit PC (server) and macbook (client) today and noticed a new version was available for download.


Sadly it doesn't appear to fix the problem. I think its fair to say it never will. In Unity the icons change to a hand or eye when you press the middle or right mouse buttons respectively, but nothing else happens. Unity is recognising the initial mouse button down signal - but presumably MacOS requires something else to be transmitted.

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Avishay Rapp

Hey Robin,

After reviewing your post I am sorry to say that Synergy cannot perform the requested operation.

Synergy uses X and Y values to move the pointer on the remote machine, once it reaches the end it resets those values to the default (usually center screen) and that is why you get the instant looking down effect in FPS games and various other software.


I hope it helped.


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Robin Jubber

Hi Avishay - I'm not seeing an "instant looking down effect" - rather nothing happens at all with certain kinds of drag-selection in Unity.


When you say "once it reaches the end" do you mean at the end of each frame Synergy resets the mouse values to centre_x, centre_y? Wouldn't that cause the mouse pointer to flicker like crazy? This should also stop any select-drag working - for instance dragging a box around a group of icons - and I think that functionality is working.


I'm not sure the issue you're raising is what is causing the Unity and Blender issues, but further clarification might help me understand the reasoning. Maybe it's something that could be turned off or on with a hotkey?





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Exciting news - just had a reply to an email I sent to Synergy in July - asking if I still have issues. Well, it still doesn't work with 3D applications, so I've posted a reply to their query. Very excited to see how this goes.


I think making Synergy work with 3D applications could be a good move. Obviously 3D is a very new technology, but I reckon we could start to see many more applications using polygons in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

For what it's worth, the latest release of Synergy (1.8.8) is starting to work with Blender. I haven't gone through the entire app to see what limitations remain, if any, but for Blenderheads, the main issue is the "Continuous Drag" feature where if the mouse exits one side of the screen it reappears on the other side, allowing for extended mouse input (a long drag along the x axis, e.g.). With this enabled, you'll be able to drag things around, but you'll see a lot of flicker happening on screen. If you go into your preferences --> Input and on the left side DISABLE "Continuous Drag" you'll get a much, much, much cleaner response to your Blender interface.


This is relatively new. in 1.8.4 I couldn't get this to work. Thanks to the Devs for tackling this.

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