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MBP 10.11.5 + Mac Mini 10.6.8??

Raymund Maravilla

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Raymund Maravilla
Hi, I was hoping someone could help me find a solution to this. I've been trying to find a way to use my old computers as secondary monitors and figured that Synergy was the best solution. I managed to DL and install on MBP running 10.11.5 but when I went to DL for my Mac Mini 10.6.8, there doesn't seem to be a dedicated DL for that OS--a realization I was unaware of prior to actually purchasing this software. Does anyone have a solution? So far, I've tried to DL an older version (1.5.1) via TechSpot. It runs but cannot connect to the host server. Thanks! Raymund
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Raymund Maravilla
I dug around a bit and tried older versions and I think I found a solution, in case anyone else has the same problem: In "http://symless.com/download/" click, "alternate downloads" towards the bottom. Use the latest stable archived version available for your OS. I tried DL'ing 1.7.5 but for some reason the link was broken so I managed to use 1.7.4 Mac 10.6 instead.
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