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Copy/Paste Yields Chinese Characters

Brenden Mervin

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Brenden Mervin
I looked through the other copy/paste topics, but did not find any mention of what I am experiencing, so here is the scoop: When I copy from my Linux machine (running Arch) to my Windows 10 machine, I get Chinese characters. For example, if I copy the word "test" from a terminal window on my Linux machine into a blank email (Outlook 2013), I get "猼慰瑳汹㵥昢湯⵴慦業祬洺湯獯慰散㸢猼慰瑳汹㵥挢汯牯⌺㉢㉢㉢戻捡杫潲湵ⵤ潣潬㩲昣晦晦㭦㸢整瑳⼼灳湡㰾牢㰾猯慰㹮" as the pasted text. Now, if I paste and select "keep text only" it works fine. I tried making sure the font I was using on Linux was installed on Windows, which is 'DejaVu Sans Mono', but that did not solve the issue (I also tried switching the terminal font to Courier, but I saw the same Chinese text pasted in Windows). Is there a fix for this, or is this just the way of life for my particular configuration? Thanks.
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  • 6 months later...
Edward Trumbull

I have the same problem.


If I open a command window or a wordpad session and paste there, the characters are not Chinese.

I see the problem most when I paste either into "Skype for Business" (formerly Lynx) or a web browser.


Linux is Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS

Windows 10 Enterprise version 1607 build 14393.576


Synergy pro version 1.8.2 Linux is Server, PC is slave

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  • 1 year later...
Erik Johansen

Same here.  Trying to copy English text from Debian 9.3 to Outlook in Windows 7, but it pastes the characters as Chinese.  When I paste into Notepad++ it is fine.  Synergy version on both systems is 1.8.8.

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Erik Johansen

I should also note that all other things the same for these 2 systems, this was never a problem I encountered with 1.3.8 x64 Windows 7 client and the built in synergy server that comes with Debian.  I used those versions for years and recently updated to 1.8.8 and started experiencing this.  Sad to see it's been almost 2 years with no fix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, and other moderaters, have experiencd and reported this to developers. It's a known bug.

A's a workaround I've had success with pasting into another text program (I use Keep) and recopy, then it pastes into Windows accurately.

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On 3/4/2018 at 3:54 AM, GranPaSmurf said:

I, and other moderaters, have experiencd and reported this to developers. It's a known bug.

A's a workaround I've had success with pasting into another text program (I use Keep) and recopy, then it pastes into Windows accurately.

okay, that is not really pratically for me - do we know with which version this bug was introduced ? Is it server or client side ? Then I would try downgrading...

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the quickest way to get an answer would be for you to submit a Support request. That puts the issue right in front of developers. 


Report your experience to support. Send logs for each machine even though it's unlikely to show up in the log. Trouble tickets drive development.

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